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2014D-state Rydberg electrons interacting with ultracold atomsKrupp, Alexander Thorsten
2023Electrical detection of Rydberg interactions in nitric oxide at room temperatureMunkes, Fabian
2003Erzeugung eines Bose-Einstein-Kondensats in einer stark anisotropen MagnetfalleSchoser, Jürgen
2012Interacting Rydberg atoms : coherent control at Förster resonances and polar homonuclear moleculesNipper, Johannes Maximilian
2018Ions and electrons interacting with ultracold atoms : novel approaches based on Rydberg excitationsKleinbach, Kathrin Sophie
2012Kohärente Rydberg-Spektroskopie in einer Rubidium MikrozelleKübler, Harald
2016Large bandwidth excitation of Rydberg atoms in thermal vapor : fast dynamics and strong interaction effectsUrvoy, Alban
2014Laser cooling of a magnetically guided ultra cold atom beamAghajani-Talesh, Anoush
2022Nonlinear optics in dense atomic vaporsChristaller, Florian
2006Observation of Feshbach resonances in an ultracold gas of 52CrWerner, Jörg
2024On the development of activating teaching materials in theoretical physicsScheiger, Philipp
2013Optical pumping of a dense quantum gas at its limits : continuous Sisyphus cooling and demagnetization cooling towards degeneracyVolchkov, Valentin V.
2011A Rydberg interferometer : from coherent formation of ultralong-range Rydberg molecules to state tomography of Rydberg atomsButscher, Björn
2017Rydberg polaritons and Rydberg superatoms - novel tools for quantum nonlinear opticsTresp, Christoph
2003Scattering properties of ultra-cold chromium atomsSchmidt, Piet O.
2024Self-organized structures and excitations in dipolar quantum fluidsHertkorn, Jens
2013Stability and collapse dynamics of dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates in one-dimensional optical latticesMüller, Stefan
2017Storage and propagation of Rydberg polaritons in a cold atomic mediumMirgorodskiy, Ivan
2019A trace gas sensor based on Rydberg excitations : a proof of concept studySchmidt, Johannes
2010Ultralong range Rydberg molecules : investigation of a novel bindingBendkowsky, Vera