08 Fakultät Mathematik und Physik : [1074] Homepage der Sammlung

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Ressourcen der Sammlung (Sortiert nach Einreichdatum in Absteigend Ordnung): 1 bis 20 von 1074
2024From topological nodal planes and multifold crossings in 3D to strong correlations in 2DAlpin, Kirill
2024Quasi continuous level Monte Carlo methodBeschle, Cedric Aaron
2023Towards fiber-coupled plasmonic perfect absorber superconducting nanowire photodetectors for the near- and mid-infraredMennle, Sandra; Karl, Philipp; Ubl, Monika; Ruchka, Pavel; Weber, Ksenia; Hentschel, Mario; Flad, Philipp; Giessen, Harald
2023Effects of high-power laser radiation on polymers for 3D printing micro-opticsKlein, Sebastian; Ruchka, Pavel; Klumpp, Thomas; Bartels, Nils; Steinle, Tobias; Giessen, Harald
2024Greedy kernel methods for approximating breakthrough curves for reactive flow from 3D porous geometry dataHerkert, Robin; Buchfink, Patrick; Wenzel, Tizian; Haasdonk, Bernard; Toktaliev, Pavel; Iliev, Oleg
2023Hybrid fiber-solid-state laser with 3D-printed intracavity lensesAngstenberger, Simon; Ruchka, Pavel; Hentschel, Mario; Steinle, Tobias; Giessen, Harald
20233D stimulated Raman spectral imaging of water dynamics associated with pectin-glycocalyceal entanglementFloess, Moritz; Steinle, Tobias; Werner, Florian; Wang, Yunshan; Wagner, Willi Linus; Steinle, Verena; Liu, Betty; Zheng, Yifan; Chen, Zi; Ackermann, Maximilian; Mentzer, Steven J.; Giessen, Harald
2023Spectrally resolved ultrafast transient dynamics of a femtosecond fiber-feedback optical parametric oscillatorFloess, Moritz; Steinle, Tobias; Giessen, Harald
2024A moving mesh finite volume method for hyperbolic interface problemsAlkämper, Maria
2021Analysis of the fine structure of the D‐exciton shell in cuprous oxideHeckötter, Julian; Rommel, Patric; Main, Jörg; Aßmann, Marc; Bayer, Manfred
2024Self-organized structures and excitations in dipolar quantum fluidsHertkorn, Jens
2024MD simulations of 3D laser printingSchmid, Jonas
2023Optomechanically induced optical trapping system based on photonic crystal cavitiesMonterrosas-Romero, Manuel; Alavi, Seyed Khalil; Koistinen, Ester M.; Hong, Sungkun
2024Motile bacteria in complex environmentsLohrmann, Christoph
2022Towards hybrid two‐phase modelling using linear domain decompositionSeus, David; Radu, Florin A.; Rohde, Christian
2024Silicon vacancies in silicon carbide towards scalable quantum applicationsLiu, Di
2022Predicting concentrations of mixed sugar solutions with a combination of resonant plasmon-enhanced SEIRA and principal component analysisPfezer, Diana; Karst, Julian; Hentschel, Mario; Giessen, Harald
2022Integrated optoelectronic devices using lab‐on‐fiber technologyRicciardi, Armando; Zimmer, Michael; Witz, Norbert; Micco, Alberto; Piccirillo, Federica; Giaquinto, Martino; Kaschel, Mathias; Burghartz, Joachim; Jetter, Michael; Michler, Peter; Cusano, Andrea; Portalupi, Simone Luca
2024Classical and semiclassical approaches to excitons in cuprous oxideErtl, Jan
2024High space‐bandwidth‐product (SBP) hologram carriers toward photorealistic 3D holographyLi, Jin; Li, Xiaoxun; Huang, Xiangyu; Kaissner, Robin; Neubrech, Frank; Sun, Shuo; Liu, Na
Ressourcen der Sammlung (Sortiert nach Einreichdatum in Absteigend Ordnung): 1 bis 20 von 1074