Auflistung nach Institut Institut für Angewandte Analysis und numerische Simulation

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2012An adaptive finite element method for control-constrained optimal control problemsKohls, Kristina
2014Adaptive finite elements for state-constrained optimal control problems - convergence analysis and a posteriori error estimationSteinig, Simeon
2018Adaptive higher order discontinuous Galerkin methods for porous-media multi-phase flow with strong heterogeneitiesKane, Birane
2022Adaptive piecewise Poly-Sinc methods for ordinary differential equationsKhalil, Omar; El-Sharkawy, Hany; Youssef, Maha; Baumann, Gerd
2014Adaptive two-scale models for processes with evolution of microstructuresRedeker, Magnus
2022Analysis of hyperbolic conservation laws with random discontinuous flux functions and their efficient simulationBrencher, Lukas
2022Approximation with matrix-valued kernels and highly effective error estimators for reduced basis approximationsWittwar, Dominik
2016Balance laws : non local mixed systems and IBVPsRossi, Elena
2021A Bayesian approach to parameter reconstruction from surface electromyographic signalsRörich, Anna
2006BETI-Gebietszerlegungsmethoden mit schnellen Randelementverfahren und AnwendungenOf, Günther
2005The Cahn-Larché system : a model for spinodal decomposition in eutectic solder ; modelling, analysis and simulationMerkle, Thomas
2021Compressible multi-component and multi-phase flows: interfaces and asymptotic regimesOstrowski, Lukas
2020Compressible multicomponent flow in porous media with Maxwell‐Stefan diffusionOstrowski, Lukas; Rohde, Christian
2008Contact analysis and overlapping domain decomposition methods for dynamic and nonlinear problemsBrunßen, Stephan
2024Coupled simulations and parameter inversion for neural system and electrophysiological muscle modelsHoms‐Pons, Carme; Lautenschlager, Robin; Schmid, Laura; Ernst, Jennifer; Göddeke, Dominik; Röhrle, Oliver; Schulte, Miriam
2023Deep and greedy kernel methods : algorithms, analysis and applicationsWenzel, Tizian
2008Discretization techniques and efficient algorithms for contact problemsHüeber, Stefan
2012Efficient parametric analysis of the chemical master equation through model order reductionWaldherr, Steffen; Haasdonk, Bernard
2015Efficient schemes for parameterized multiscale problemsAlebrand, Sven
2021Efficient simulation of challenging PDE problems on CPU and GPU clustersSchirwon, Malte