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2022Mammalian display platform for the maturation of bispecific TCR-based moleculesDilchert, Janine; Hofmann, Martin; Unverdorben, Felix; Kontermann, Roland; Bunk, Sebastian
2021Marizomib sensitizes primary glioma cells to apoptosis induced by a latest-generation TRAIL receptor agonistBoccellato, Chiara; Kolbe, Emily; Peters, Nathalie; Juric, Viktorija; Fullstone, Gavin; Verreault, Maïté; Idbaih, Ahmed; Lamfers, Martine L. M.; Murphy, Brona M.; Rehm, Markus
2004Mathematical modeling of signal transduction pathways in mammalian cells at the example of the EGF induced MAP kinase cascade and TNF receptor crosstalkSchoeberl, Birgit
2023Mechanosensory feedback loops during chronic inflammationSaha, Sarbari; Müller, Dafne; Clark, Andrew G.
2023Membrane trafficking in breast cancer progression : protein kinase D comes into playGutiérrez-Galindo, Elena; Yilmaz, Zeynep Hazal; Hausser, Angelika
2013MicroRNAs to boost the productivity of Chinese hamster ovary producer cellsStrotbek, Michaela
2020miR-149 suppresses breast cancer metastasis by blocking paracrine interactions with macrophagesSánchez-González, Ismael
2014miRNAs in control of oncogenic signaling in breast cancer cellsBischoff, Annabell
2011Modeling time delay in the NF&#954;B signaling pathway following low dose IL-1 stimulationWitt, Johannes; Barisic, Sandra; Sawodny, Oliver; Ederer, Michael; Kulms, Dagmar; Sauter, Thomas
2002Molekulare Mechanismen der Antiöstrogenwirkung beim MammakarzinomBuck, Miriam
2002Molekulare Mechanismen der pro-apoptotischen Kooperation zwischen TNF-R1 und Nicht-Todesrezeptoren der TNF-RezeptorfamilieFotin-Mleczek, Mariola
2002Molekulare Mechanismen der Tumor-Nekrose-Faktor-Rezeptor-1 (TNF-R1)-vermittelten ApoptoseWeingärtner, Monika
2021Multiphasic modelling and computation of metastatic lung-cancer cell proliferation and atrophy in brain tissue based on experimental dataEhlers, Wolfgang; Rehm, Markus; Schröder, Patrick; Stöhr, Daniela; Wagner, Arndt
2017Multivalent antibody-scTRAIL fusion proteins for tumor therapy : impact of format and targetingHutt, Meike
2001Der murine Chemokinrezeptor CCR2 : Herstellung von Null-Mutanten durch homologe Rekombination in embryonalen StammzellenMaier, Holger
2000Neuartige retrovirale Vektorsysteme für die Gentherapie: Entwicklung in Suspension wachsender VerpackungszellinienGutjahr, Thorsten S.
2008Neue TRAIL-Varianten für die zielgerichtete TumortherapieSchneider, Britta
2018Novel EGFR family member binding antibodies as cancer therapeuticsSchmitt, Lisa
2009Novel electrokinetic approaches to improve purification processes with monoclonal antibodiesFaude, Alexander
2022Novel functions of aberrant cyclin D1/CDK4 activity in mantle cell lymphoma and consequences for proteasome inhibitor treatmentHeine, Simon