Browsing by Author Bele, Petra

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1991(BEDT-TTF)2X(TCE)0,5[X:BF4, FSO3, IO4] new organic metalsArmbruster, Kurt; Bele, Petra; Brunner, Hermann; Chen, Benming; Dahm, Stefan; Geiger, Rolf; Heinen, Ilsabe; Keller, Heimo J.; Schweitzer, Dieter
1994Characterisation of the Fermi surface and phase transitions of (BEDO-TTF)2 ReO4·(H2O) by physical property measurements and electronic band structure calculationsKahlich, Siegfried; Schweitzer, Dieter; Rovira, Concepcio; Paradis, Jeffrey A.; Whangbo, Myung-Hwan; Heinen, Ilsabe; Keller, Heimo J.; Nuber, Bernhard; Bele, Petra; Brunner, Hermann; Shibaeva, Rimma P.
1986Magnetic susceptibility of α and β phases of di[bis(ethylenediothiolo)tetrathiafulvalene] tri-iodide [(BEDT-TTF)2I3] under pressureRothaemel, Bernd; Forró, Laszlo; Cooper, John R.; Schilling, James S.; Weger, Meir; Bele, Petra; Brunner, Hermann; Schweitzer, Dieter; Keller, Heimo J.
1994Magnetically modulated microwave absorption (MMMA) at low magnetic fields in (BEDT-TTF)-superconductorsBele, Petra; Brunner, Hermann; Schweitzer, Dieter; Keller, Heimo J.
1987A stable superconducting state at 8K and ambient pressure in αt-(BEDT-TTF)2I3Schweitzer, Dieter; Bele, Petra; Brunner, Hermann; Gogu, Emil; Haeberlen, Ulrich; Hennig, Ingolf; Klutz, Thomas; Swietlik, Roman; Keller, Heimo J.
1993Superconductivity in polycrystalline pressed pellets of k-(BEDT-TTF)2I3Balthes, Eduard; Breining, Angela; Kahlich, Siegfried; Moldenhauer, Jörg; Schweitzer, Dieter; Bele, Petra; Brunner, Hermann; Heinen, Ilsabe; Nuber, Bernhard; Keller, Heimo J.