Browsing by Author Takors, Ralf

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 36  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Balancing glucose and oxygen uptake rates to enable high amorpha‐4,11‐diene production in Escherichia coli via the methylerythritol phosphate pathwayPatil, Vikas; Santos, Christine N. S.; Ajikumar, Parayil K.; Sarria, Stephen; Takors, Ralf
2023Cell cycle control by optogenetically regulated cell cycle inhibitor protein p21Lataster, Levin; Huber, Hanna Mereth; Böttcher, Christina; Föller, Stefanie; Takors, Ralf; Radziwill, Gerald
2015CO2 - intrinsic product, essential substrate and regulatory trigger of microbial and mammalian production processesBlombach, Bastian; Takors, Ralf
2020Comparison of l‐tyrosine containing dipeptides reveals maximum ATP availability for l‐prolyl‐l‐tyrosine in CHO cellsVerhagen, Natascha; Wijaya, Andy Wiranata; Teleki, Attila; Fadhlullah, Muhammad; Unsöld, Andreas; Schilling, Martin; Heinrich, Christoph; Takors, Ralf
2021Compartment-specific metabolome labeling enables the identification of subcellular fluxes that may serve as promising metabolic engineering targets in CHO cellsWijaya, Andy Wiranata; Ulmer, Andreas; Hundsdorfer, Lara; Verhagen, Natascha; Teleki, Attila; Takors, Ralf
2021Compartment‐specific 13C metabolic flux analysis reveals boosted NADPH availability coinciding with increased cell‐specific productivity for IgG1 producing CHO cells after MTA treatmentWijaya, Andy Wiranata; Verhagen, Natascha; Teleki, Attila; Takors, Ralf
2021Comprehensive analysis of C. glutamicum anaplerotic deletion mutants under defined d-glucose conditionsKappelmann, Jannick; Klein, Bianca; Papenfuß, Mathias; Lange, Julian; Blombach, Bastian; Takors, Ralf; Wiechert, Wolfgang; Polen, Tino; Noack, Stephan
2021CRISPRi enables fast growth followed by stable aerobic pyruvate formation in Escherichia coli without auxotrophyZiegler, Martin; Hägele, Lorena; Gäbele, Teresa; Takors, Ralf
2020Data‐driven in silico prediction of regulation heterogeneity and ATP demands of Escherichia coli in large‐scale bioreactorsZieringer, Julia; Wild, Moritz; Takors, Ralf
2018Deciphering the adaptation of Corynebacterium glutamicum in transition from aerobiosis via microaerobiosis to anaerobiosisLange, Julian; Münch, Eugenia; Müller, Jan; Busche, Tobias; Kalinowski, Jörn; Takors, Ralf; Blombach, Bastian
2022Differential amino acid uptake and depletion in mono-cultures and co-cultures of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus in a novel semi-synthetic mediumUlmer, Andreas; Erdemann, Florian; Mueller, Susanne; Loesch, Maren; Wildt, Sandy; Jensen, Maiken Lund; Gaspar, Paula; Zeidan, Ahmad A.; Takors, Ralf
2020Electron availability in CO2, CO and H2 mixtures constrains flux distribution, energy management and product formation in Clostridium ljungdahliiHermann, Maria; Teleki, Attila; Weitz, Sandra; Niess, Alexander; Freund, Andreas; Bengelsdorf, Frank R.; Takors, Ralf
2024Getting the right clones in an automated manner : an alternative to sophisticated colony-picking roboticsHägele, Lorena; Pfleger, Brian F.; Takors, Ralf
2021Identifying and engineering bottlenecks of autotrophic isobutanol formation in recombinant C. ljungdahlii by systemic analysisHermann, Maria; Teleki, Attila; Weitz, Sandra; Niess, Alexander; Freund, Andreas; Bengelsdorf, Frank Robert; Dürre, Peter; Takors, Ralf
2022Investigation of tracer gas transport in a new numerical model of lung aciniSchmidt, Christoph; Joppek, Christoph; Trinkmann, Frederik; Takors, Ralf; Cattaneo, Giorgio; Port, Johannes
2021Isobutanol production by autotrophic acetogenic bacteriaWeitz, Sandra; Hermann, Maria; Linder, Sonja; Bengelsdorf, Frank R.; Takors, Ralf; Dürre, Peter
2020Methylthioadenosine (MTA) boosts cell‐specific productivities of Chinese hamster ovary cultures : dosage effects on proliferation, cell cycle and gene expressionVerhagen, Natascha; Zieringer, Julia; Takors, Ralf
2021Micro‐aerobic production of isobutanol with engineered Pseudomonas putidaAnkenbauer, Andreas; Nitschel, Robert; Teleki, Attila; Müller, Tobias; Favilli, Lorenzo; Blombach, Bastian; Takors, Ralf
2023Mimicked mixing-induced heterogeneities of industrial bioreactors stimulate long-lasting adaption programs in ethanol-producing yeastsMinden, Steven; Aniolek, Maria; Noorman, Henk; Takors, Ralf
2024Mimicking CHO large‐scale effects in the single multicompartment bioreactor : a new approach to access scale‐up behaviorGaugler, Lena; Hofmann, Sebastian; Schlüter, Michael; Takors, Ralf