Browsing by Author Weger, Meir

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1990Band structure calculation and tunneling measurements in (BEDT-TTF)2X (X=I3, IAuI)Weger, Meir; Nowack, Andreas; Schweitzer, Dieter; Kübler, Jürgen; Bentum, Jan M. van; Sommers, Charles S.
1987Determination of the electron phonon coupling and the superconducting gap in β-(BEDT-TTF)2X crystals (X=I3, IAuI)Nowack, Andreas; Poppe, Ulrich; Weger, Meir; Schweitzer, Dieter; Schwenk, Helmut
1987Electronic band structure and point contact spectroscopy of the organic superconductor β-(BEDT-TTF)2I3Weger, Meir; Kübler, Jürgen; Schweitzer, Dieter
1993Freezeout of the electrical resistivity in (BEDT-TTF)2I3 below 20 KWeger, Meir; Tittelbach, Markus; Balthes, Eduard; Schweitzer, Dieter; Keller, Heimo J.
1986Magnetic susceptibility of α and β phases of di[bis(ethylenediothiolo)tetrathiafulvalene] tri-iodide [(BEDT-TTF)2I3] under pressureRothaemel, Bernd; Forró, Laszlo; Cooper, John R.; Schilling, James S.; Weger, Meir; Bele, Petra; Brunner, Hermann; Schweitzer, Dieter; Keller, Heimo J.
1983Magnetic susceptibility under pressure and anisotropy of electrical conductivity in quasi-one-dimensional (perylene)2(AsF 6)0.75(PF6)0.35 × 0.85CH2Cl2Moritz, I.; Shaheen, Salem A.; Hardebusch, U.; Schilling, James S.; Weger, Meir; Bender, Klaus; Schweitzer, Dieter; Keller, Heimo J.
1992Point contact spectroscopy measurements of αt-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 : an alternative interpretationWeger, Meir; Nowack, Andreas; Schweitzer, Dieter
1991Point contact spectroscopy measurements on αt-(BEDT-TTF)2I3Weger, Meir; Nowack, Andreas; Schweitzer, Dieter
1986Point-contact spectra of the organic metal β-(BEDT-TTF)2I3Nowack, Andreas; Weger, Meir; Schweitzer, Dieter; Keller, Heimo J.
1987Pressure effect on the magnetic susceptibility of low dimensional organic conductors α-, β-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 and (TMTSF)2X (X=ClO4, PF6, ReO4)Forró, Laszlo; Cooper, John R.; Rothaemel, Bernd; Schilling, James S.; Weger, Meir; Schweitzer, Dieter; Keller, Heimo J.; Bechgaard, Klaus
1986Radical cation salts of BEDT-TTF and an unsymmetrical BEDT-TTF derivativeSchweitzer, Dieter; Bender, Klaus; Endres, Helmut; Gärtner, Stephan; Heid, Rolf; Heinen, Ilsabe; Keller, Heimo J.; Weber, Angelika; Weger, Meir
1993Resonant Raman scattering from superconducting gap excitations in single crystals of (BEDT-TTF)2I3Graja, Andrzej; Pokhodnia, Konstantin I.; Weger, Meir; Schweitzer, Dieter
1993Resonant Raman scattering from superconducting single crystals of (BEDT-TTF)2I3Pokhodnia, Konstantin I.; Graja, Andrzej; Weger, Meir; Schweitzer, Dieter
1988Temperature and pressure dependence of the resistivity of β-(BEDT-TTF)2X (X=I3, I2Au) and αt-(BEDT-TTF)2I3Weger, Meir; Bender, Klaus; Klutz, Thomas; Schweitzer, Dieter; Gross, Frieder; Heidmann, Claus Peter; Probst, Christian; Andres, Klaus
1994Zero bias anomalies in point-contact characteristics of αt-(BEDT-TTF)2I3Ernst, Gabriele; Nowack, Andreas; Weger, Meir; Schweitzer, Dieter