Auflistung nach Institut Institut für Technische Thermodynamik und Thermische Verfahrenstechnik

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2007Heteroazeotropdestillation als Verfahren zur Trennung thermisch empfindlicher SubstanzenOttenbacher, Markus
2006Heterogen katalysierte Reaktivdestillation : Stoffdaten, Experimente, Simulation und Scale-up am Beispiel der Synthese von HexylacetatSchmitt, Markus
2021Interfacial properties using classical density functional theory : curved interfaces and surfactantsRehner, Philipp
2018Modeling properties of the vapor-liquid interface using classical density functional theory and density gradient theoryMairhofer, Jonas
2022Modeling subsurface hydrogen storage with transport properties from entropy scaling using the PC‐SAFT equation of stateEller, Johannes; Sauerborn, Tim; Becker, Beatrix; Buntic, Ivan; Gross, Joachim; Helmig, Rainer
2020Molecular dynamics study of interactions between nano crystals and solid-liquid phase equilibriaBauer, Gernot
2009Nebenreaktionen bei der heterogen katalysierten Reaktivdestillation am Beispiel der Herstellung von ButylacetatParada, Sandra
2021A new approach to optimize the transferable anisotropic Mie force field (TAMie) for mixturesWeidler, Dominik
2019A new dispersion contribution based on the PCP-SAFT equation of state in the framework of classical density functional theorySauer, Elmar
2007Numerische Modellierung und Simulation des Wärmeübergangs beim BlasensiedenGenske, Petra
2020On the prediction of thermodynamic properties by atomistic simulation : from vapor-liquid equilibrium of alcohols to self-assembly in mixed solventsBaz, Jörg
2021On the use of 3J-coupling NMR data to derive structural information on proteinsSmith, Lorna J.; van Gunsteren, Wilfred F.; Stankiewicz, Bartosz; Hansen, Niels
2020On the use of side‐chain NMR relaxation data to derive structural and dynamical information on proteins : a case study using hen lysozymeSmith, Lorna J.; Gunsteren, Wilfred F. van; Hansen, Niels
2023PC-SAFT density functional theory in 3 dimensions : adsorption in ordered porous media and solvation free energies in non-polar solventsEller, Johannes
2021Perturbation theory and molecular simulation of nonprimitive model electrolyte solutionsDrunsel, Florian
2022Predicting and rationalizing the Soret coefficient of binary Lennard‐Jones mixtures in the liquid stateZimmermann, Nils E. R.; Guevara‐Carrion, Gabriela; Vrabec, Jadran; Hansen, Niels
2024Probing self-diffusion of guest molecules in a covalent organic framework : simulation and experimentGrunenberg, Lars; Keßler, Christopher; Teh, Tiong Wei; Schuldt, Robin; Heck, Fabian; Kästner, Johannes; Groß, Joachim; Hansen, Niels; Lotsch, Bettina V.