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1997Performance of MPI on the CRAY T3E-512Resch, Michael; Berger, Holger; Rabenseifner, Rolf; Bönisch, Thomas
2020Performance of the standard exchange-correlation functionals in predicting melting properties fully from first principles: application to Al and magnetic NiZhu, Li-Fang; Körmann, Fritz; Ruban, Andrei V.; Neugebauer, Jörg; Grabowski, Blazej
2023Performance of two complementary machine-learned potentials in modelling chemically complex systemsGubaev, Konstantin; Zaverkin, Viktor; Srinivasan, Prashanth; Duff, Andrew Ian; Kästner, Johannes; Grabowski, Blazej
2023Performance portability analysis of SYCL with a classical CG on CPU, GPU, and FPGAFranquinet, Julian
2022Performance quantification of visualization systemsBruder, Valentin
2016Performance quantification of volume visualizationBruder, Valentin
2014Performance testing in continuous integration environmentsGeiger, Chris; Przytarski, Dennis; Thullner, Sascha
2014Performance-Analyse zweier Toolkits für interaktive projizierte DisplaysTürk, Dieter Daniel; Yildiz, Merve; Lorenz, Manuel
2014Performance-Evaluation einer sprach- und plattformunabhängigen SerialisierungssprachePrzytarski, Dennis
2022Performance-oriented communication concepts for networked control systemsCarabelli, Ben W.
2021Performance-oriented design and assessment of naturally ventilated buildingsSakiyama, Nayara R. M.
2023Performance‐Prüfverfahren für den Sulfatwiderstand von BetonVollpracht, Anya; Feldrappe, Volkert; Overmann, Steffen; Haufe, Johannes; Ehrenberg, Andreas; Beutel, Ralf; Matschei, Thomas
2017Performanzanalyse und Optimierung einer verteilten Multi-Physik SimulationssoftwareVollmer, Peter
2022Performing in spite of starvation : how Saccharomyces cerevisiae maintains robust growth when facing famine zones in industrial bioreactorsMinden, Steven; Aniolek, Maria; Noorman, Henk; Takors, Ralf
2007Periodisch angeordnete photochrome Dots für hochdichte optische SpeicherRath, Stephan
2021Permeability estimation of regular porous structures : a benchmark for comparison of methodsWagner, Arndt; Eggenweiler, Elissa; Weinhardt, Felix; Trivedi, Zubin; Krach, David; Lohrmann, Christoph; Jain, Kartik; Karadimitriou, Nikolaos; Bringedal, Carina; Voland, Paul; Holm, Christian; Class, Holger; Steeb, Holger; Rybak, Iryna
2023Perovskite chromite-based fuel electrode for solid oxide cells (SOCs): towards the understanding of the electrochemical performanceAmaya Dueñas, Diana María
2016Persistence and discovery of reusable cloud application topologiesDing, Hao
2015Persistence, discovery, and generation of viable cloud application topologiesMishra, Abhilash
2011Persistente organische Spurenstoffe in Kompost und Rückständen der Biomassevergärung - Belastungsituation, Abbau und BewertungStäb, Jessica