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Anzeige der Treffer 1845 bis 1864 von 14929 < zurück   nächste
1972Catalytic Friedel-Crafts acylation of aromatic compoundsEffenberger, Franz; Epple, Gerhard
2005Catalytic hydroxylation in biphasic systems using CYP102A1 mutantsMaurer, Steffen Christian; Kühnel, Katja; Kaysser, Leonard A.; Eiben, Sabine; Schmid, Rolf D.; Urlacher, Vlada B.
2023Catalyzing cooling tower efficiency : a novel energy performance indicator and functional unit including climate and cooling demand normalizationWenzel, Paula M.; Fensterle, Eva; Radgen, Peter
1993A categorical glimpse at the reconstruction of geometriesStroppel, Markus
1994Catena-Poly[(2,5,8-trioxanonan-O2,O5)lithiummethylphosphanid] : eine Verbindung mit meso-Helix-Struktur (Metallderivate von Molekülverbindungen ; 8)Becker, Gerd; Eschbach, Bruno; Mundt, Otto; Seidler, Norbert
2022Cationic molybdenum imido alkylidene N‐heterocyclic carbene complexes confined in mesoporous silica : tuning transition states towards Z‐selective ring‐opening cross‐metathesisGoldstein, Elizabeth L.; Ziegler, Felix; Beurer, Ann‐Katrin; Traa, Yvonne; Bruckner, Johanna R.; Buchmeiser, Michael R.
2020Cationic tungsten alkylidyne N‐heterocyclic carbene complexes : synthesis and reactivity in alkyne metathesisHauser, Philipp M.; Ende, Melita van der; Groos, Jonas; Frey, Wolfgang; Wang, Dongren; Buchmeiser, Michael R.
2017Causal models for decision making via integrative inferenceGeiger, Philipp
1991Cavitation-generated free radicals during shock wave exposure: investigations with cell-free solutions and suspended cellsSuhr, Dierk; Brümmer, Franz; Hülser, Dieter F.
2020Cavity QED based on room temperature atoms interacting with a photonic crystal cavity : a feasibility studyAlaeian, Hadiseh; Ritter, Ralf; Basic, Muamera; Löw, Robert; Pfau, Tilman
1975Cell communication by periodic cyclic-AMP pulsesGerisch, Günther; Hülser, Dieter F.; Malchow, Dieter; Wick, Ursula
2023Cell cycle control by optogenetically regulated cell cycle inhibitor protein p21Lataster, Levin; Huber, Hanna Mereth; Böttcher, Christina; Föller, Stefanie; Takors, Ralf; Radziwill, Gerald
2013Cell line development for and characterization of mono- and bivalent antibody derivativesBerger, Verena
2022Cell‐derived and enzyme‐based decellularized extracellular matrix exhibit compositional and structural differences that are relevant for its use as a biomaterialNellinger, Svenja; Mrsic, Ivana; Keller, Silke; Heine, Simon; Southan, Alexander; Bach, Monika; Volz, Ann‐Cathrin; Chassé, Thomas; Kluger, Petra J.
2008Cementite in the Fe-N-C systemNikolussi, Marc
2022Cenospheres-reinforced PA-12 composite : preparation, physicochemical properties, and soaking testsNakonieczny, Damian S.; Antonowicz, Magdalena; Heim, Thomas; Swinarew, Andrzej S.; Nuckowski, Paweł; Matus, Krzysztof; Lemanowicz, Marcin
1979Central versus decentral energy supply strategies for industrialized countries - soft or hard energy strategies?Düring, Klaus; Kollmann, Helmut; Oesterwind, Dieter; Orth, Detlef; Voß, Alfred
2023Cervical muscle reflexes during lateral accelerationsMillard, Matthew; Hunger, Susanne; Broß, Lisa; Fehr, Jörg; Holzapfel, Christian; Stutzig, Norman; Siebert, Tobias
1979Cestoden der Gattung Mesocestoides : Funde bei Haus- und Wildtieren in der UdSSR, mit Prinzipien ihrer SystematikCertkova, A. N.; Kospuko, G. A.
2012Les cérémonies radiophoniques du Troisième ReichFavre, Muriel