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2011Laterally diffused metal oxide semiconductor transistors on ultra-thin single-crystalline siliconAsif, Ali
2021Lattice Boltzmann methods for microswimmers in complex environmentsKuron, Michael
2024Lattice Boltzmann simulation of liquid water transport in gas diffusion layers of proton exchange membrane fuel cellsSarkezi-Selsky, Patrick
2010Lattice Boltzmann simulations of fluid flow in the vicinity of rough and hydrophobic boundariesKunert, Christian
1993Lattice dynamics of 3-dimensional tilings modelling icosahedral quasicrystalsLos, Joop; Janssen, Ted; Gähler, Franz
2011Lattice dynamics of complex metallic alloysEuchner, Holger
2018Lattice-Boltzmann Simulationen auf mehreren GPUsKurz, Benjamin
2023Lattices of t‐structures and thick subcategories for discrete cluster categoriesGratz, Sira; Zvonareva, Alexandra
1990Laue, Max vonHentschel, Klaus
2012Laufende Wellenlösungen von Systemen nichtlinearer partieller Differentialgleichungen am Beispiel von Mehrphasenströmungen in porösen MedienHönig, Oliver
2008Laufzeit-Modellierung objektorientierter interaktiver Prozesse in der ProduktionSchlegel, Thomas
2005Laws for rewriting queries containing division operatorsRantzau, Ralf; Mangold, Christoph
2023Layered symbolic security analysis in DY*Bhargavan, Karthikeyan; Bichhawat, Abhishek; Hosseyni, Pedram; Küsters, Ralf; Pruiksma, Klaas; Schmitz, Guido; Waldmann, Clara; Würtele, Tim
2018Layout automation in analog IC design with formalized and nonformalized expert knowledgeMarolt, Daniel
2000Längsschnittanalysen mit latenten Wachstumskurvenmodellen in der politischen SozialisationsforschungUrban, Dieter
1993Lärm- und staubarmer Fräsprozeß mit wendelförmigen SchneidenHeisel, Uwe; Niemeyer, Wilm-Henner; Weiss, Edmund
2001LCA and external costs in comparative assessment of electricity chains : decision support for sustainable electricity provision?Voß, Alfred
2020Leaching of fly ash particulate matter in MEA solutions and its relevance to the CO2 capture process with flue gas of coal-fired power plantsSchallert, Bernd
2021Leaching via weak spots in photovoltaic modulesNover, Jessica; Zapf-Gottwick, Renate; Feifel, Carolin; Koch, Michael; Werner, Juergen Heinz
2021Leadership gap in agile teams: how developers and scrum masters matureSpiegler, Simone V.