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2014Applied theory of science in higher education developmentBraun, Thorsten
2023Applying a GAN-based classifier to improve transcriptome-based prognostication in breast cancerGuttà, Cristiano; Morhard, Christoph; Rehm, Markus
2024Applying automatic calibration for three-dimensional numerical modeling of hydro-morphological changes in channels and reservoirsShoarinezhad, Vahid
2024Applying machine learning techniques for improving test input generation in embedded fuzzersStuby, Jannick
2009Applying stochastic constraints on time-variable GRACE dataLorenz, Christof
2021Appraisal of triglyceride-related markers as early predictors of metabolic outcomes in the PREVIEW lifestyle intervention : a controlled post-hoc trialNavas-Carretero, Santiago; San-Cristobal, Rodrigo; Siig Vestentoft, Pia; Brand-Miller, Jennie C.; Jalo, Elli; Westerterp-Plantenga, Margriet; Simpson, Elizabeth J.; Handjieva-Darlenska, Teodora; Stratton, Gareth; Huttunen-Lenz, Maija; Lam, Tony; Muirhead, Roslyn; Poppitt, Sally; Pietiläinen, Kirsi H.; Adam, Tanja; Taylor, Moira A.; Handjiev, Svetoslav; McNarry, Melitta A.; Hansen, Sylvia; Brodie, Shannon; Silvestre, Marta P.; Macdonald, Ian A.; Boyadjieva, Nadka; Mackintosh, Kelly A.; Schlicht, Wolfgang; Liu, Amy; Larsen, Thomas M.; Fogelholm, Mikael; Raben, Anne; Martinez, J. Alfredo
2020Appraisal theories for emotion classification in textHofmann, Jan
2013Approach and realization of a multi-tenant service composition engineHahn, Michael
2024Approach development for enabling energy flexibility in manufacturing companies with AGV lithium batteries through an algorithm-based ICT solutionYesilyurt, Ozan
2023An approach for activity recognition in buildings based on temporal HTN planningSpasov, Ivaylo
2017An approach for automated detection and classification of pavement cracksAl-Mistarehi, Bara'
2021An approach for benchmarking quantum computers to determine the executability of quantum circuitsWeber, Jan
2022An approach for identifiying false positive warnings in SAST toolingKrawczyk, Lukas
2020Approach for the development of suspensions with integrated electric motorsWang, Meng
2024Approach to design of piezoelectric energy harvester for sensors on electric machine rotorsBrandl, Lukas; Reuss, Hans-Christian; Heidle, Daniel
2017Approach to determine and evaluate the homogeneity of operating programs in railway operation based on infrastructure occupancyCao, Nan
1990An approach to integrated office document processing & managementMattos, Nelson Mendonca; Mitschang, Bernhard; Dengel, Andreas; Bleisinger, Rainer
2022An approach to quantum physics teaching through analog experimentsAehle, Stefan; Scheiger, Philipp; Cartarius, Holger
2022An approach to reducing the greenhouse gas footprint in the manufacturing industry: Determinants for an economic assessment of industrial decarbonisation measuresBuettner, Stefan M.; Wang, Diana
1994An approach to the problem of closure in non-linear stochastic mechanicsNguyen Dong Anh; Schiehlen, Werner