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Showing results 118 to 137 of 14985 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011A Question of Good Citizenship - eine empirische Analyse über die Verankerung staatsbürgerlicher Normen in mittel- und osteuropäischen StaatenStelzmüller, Simone
2024A sieve formula for chains of p-subgroups : extending Wielandt’s proof of Sylow-Frobenius to a congruence modulo p^(ℓ+1)Schwesig, Elias
2022A systematic selection process of machine learning cloud services for manufacturing SMEsKaymakci, Can; Wenninger, Simon; Pelger, Philipp; Sauer, Alexander
2015A-CAST: Entwicklung eines Plugin-basierten Tools zur Unfallanalyse mit CAST (Causal Accident Analysis)Root, Martin
2010a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction front- and back contacts for silicon solar cells with p-type baseRostan, Philipp Johannes
2011A-type Ce2NCl3Schurz, Christian M.; Schleid, Thomas
2019Ab initio based method to study structural phase transitions in dynamically unstable crystals, with new insights on the β to ω transformation in titaniumKorbmacher, Dominique; Glensk, Albert; Duff, Andrew Ian; Finnis, Michael W.; Grabowski, Blazej; Neugebauer, Jörg
2017Ab initio modelling of solute segregation energies to a general grain boundaryHuber, Liam; Grabowski, Blazej; Militzer, Matthias; Neugebauer, Jörg; Rottler, Jörg
2019Ab initio phase stabilities and mechanical properties of multicomponent alloys: a comprehensive review for high entropy alloys and compositionally complex alloysIkeda, Yuji; Grabowski, Blazej; Körmann, Fritz
2017Ab initio quantum-chemistry database for N2 (v, J) + N in a state-to-state implementation of the DSMC methodTorres, Erik
2021Ab initio simulations of the surface free energy of TiN(001)Forslund, Axel; Zhang, Xi; Grabowski, Blazej; Shapeev, Alexander V.; Ruban, Andrei V.
2021Ab initio studies of solid phase diagrams with quantum chemical theoriesLiao, Ke
2009Ab initio study of point defects in the bulk and on surfaces of an SrTiO3 crystalAlexandrov, Vitaly
2022Ab initio surface free energies of tungsten with full account of thermal excitationsForslund, Axel; Ruban, Andrei
2013Ab initio thermodynamic study of defective strontium titanateBlokhin, Evgeny
2003Ab-initio Betrachtungen zur Elektronenstruktur und Statistischen Mechanik von mehrkomponentigen intermetallischen Systemen am Beispiel Ni-Fe-AlLechermann, Frank
2013Ab-initio modeling of ultrafast demagnetization after laser irradiation in nickel, iron and cobaltIllg, Christian Michael
2000Ab-initio Raman spectra of anharmonic and disordered systemsPutrino, Anna
2003Ab-initio statistical mechanics for ordering and segregation at the (110) surface of Ni90%-AlDrautz, Ralf
2007Der Abbau von Fluorbenzol und seinen Homologen durch Burkholderia fungorum FLU 100Strunk, Niko