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Showing results 12820 to 12839 of 14912 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2002TA-Kontexte : Erfahrungsberichte zur Technikfolgenabschätzung ; Festschrift für Diethard Schade-
1989Ta2O5-gates of ph-sensitive devices : comparative spectroscopic and electrical studiesGimmel, Paul; Gompf, Bruno; Schmeißer, Dieter; Wiemhöfer, Hans-Dieter; Göpel, Wolfgang; Klein, M.
1968Tabellen über die thermischen Eigenschaften von AmmoniakVukalovic, M. P.; Dzampov, B. V.; Zubarev, V. N.
2012Tabletop-Computer-basierte Steuerung für Powerwall-VisualisierungenPüttmann, Edwin
2013Tackling coupled problems in porous media : development of numerical models and an open source simulatorFlemisch, Bernd
2020Tackling xEV battery chemistry in view of raw material supply shortfallsKarabelli, Duygu; Kiemel, Steffen; Singh, Soumya; Koller, Jan; Ehrenberger, Simone; Miehe, Robert; Weeber, Max; Birke, Kai Peter
2020Tailor-made methacrylate-based polymer foams via emulsion and foamed emulsion templatingDabrowski, Miriam Lucia
2021Tailored lace : moldless fabrication of 3D bio-composite structures through an integrative design and fabrication processLehrecke, August; Tucker, Cody; Yang, Xiliu; Baszynski, Piotr; Dahy, Hanaa
2017Tailored magnetic properties of exchange-spring and ultra hard nanomagnetsSon, Kwanghyo
2020Tailored nanocomposites for 3D printed micro-opticsWeber, Ksenia; Werdehausen, Daniel; König, Peter; Thiele, Simon; Schmid, Michael; Decker, Manuel; Oliveira, Peter William de; Herkommer, Alois; Giessen, Harald
2020Tailored optical functionality by combining electron‐beam and focused gold‐ion beam lithography for solid and inverse coupled plasmonic nanostructuresHentschel, Mario; Karst, Julian; Giessen, Harald
2012Tailoring enhanced optical chirality : design principles for chiral plasmonic nanostructuresSchäferling, Martin; Dregely, Daniel; Hentschel, Mario; Giessen, Harald
2014Taktiles Feedback mittels Luft zur multimodalen InteraktionPramberger, Ralf
2020TAL1 und miR-17-92 bilden eine regulatorische Schleife in der HämatopoeseMeyer, Annekarin
1990The tale of the author or, Scheherazade's betrayalZiegler, Heide
2012Talent in nonnative phonetic convergenceLewandowski, Natalie
2018The Taming of the Shrew - non-standard text processing in the Digital HumanitiesSchulz, Sarah
2021TANGO - Projektvorstellung & Ergebnisse-
2021TANGO Guideline - Design Guidance und Methoden Review-
2021Tar reforming over low-cost active materials for gasification derived syngasChen, Yen-Hau