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Autor(en): Oesting, Marco
Schnurr, Alexander
Titel: Ordinal patterns in clusters of subsequent extremes of regularly varying time series
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020
Dokumentart: Zeitschriftenartikel
Seiten: 521-545
Erschienen in: Extremes 23 (2020), S. 521-545
ISSN: 1386-1999
Zusammenfassung: In this paper, we investigate temporal clusters of extremes defined as subsequent exceedances of high thresholds in a stationary time series. Two meaningful features of these clusters are the probability distribution of the cluster size and the ordinal patterns giving the relative positions of the data points within a cluster. Since these patterns take only the ordinal structure of consecutive data points into account, the method is robust under monotone transformations and measurement errors. We verify the existence of the corresponding limit distributions in the framework of regularly varying time series, develop non-parametric estimators and show their asymptotic normality under appropriate mixing conditions. The performance of the estimators is demonstrated in a simulated example and a real data application to discharge data of the river Rhine.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:08 Fakultät Mathematik und Physik

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