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Autor(en): Bornschlegl, Sebastian
Krause, Pia
Kropp, Cordula
Leistner, Philip
Titel: Analysis of the microclimatic and biodiversity-enhancing functions of a living wall prototype for more-than-human conviviality in cities
Erscheinungsdatum: 2023
Dokumentart: Zeitschriftenartikel
Seiten: 24
Erschienen in: Buildings 13 (2023), No. 1393
ISSN: 2075-5309
Zusammenfassung: This study analyzes the growing trend of urban green infrastructures, particularly green façade systems, in terms of their infrastructural relationships between nature and culture and their potential to act as bioclimatic layers mediating between the needs of flora, fauna and human habitation. An interdisciplinary approach is taken by combining the perspectives of social and engineering sciences to discuss the contribution of green façade systems for more-than-human conviviality in cities. Green infrastructures can support this endeavor by enabling functions that help to integrate the heterogeneity typical for semi-natural structures into urban ones, especially regarding microclimatic and biodiversity-enhancing functions. The theoretical distinction between “gray”, “green”, and “revolutionary” infrastructure is used to differentiate between conventional and posthumanist conceptualizations of urban naturecultures. The performance of the UNA TERRA living wall prototype as a green and revolutionary infrastructure is evaluated. The results show that the living wall has beneficial microclimatic effects and adds a heterogeneous habitat structure that supports biodiversity in the urban context. By adhering to “egalitarian humility” in design, the uncertainty and openness of more-than-human conviviality are acknowledged. The study finds that green infrastructures such as green façade systems can fulfill the criteria of revolutionary infrastructure if the contribution to local biodiversity and structural complexity is prioritized and the heterogeneous interrelations between human and non-human actors are taken into account.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:10 Fakultät Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften

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