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Autor(en): Freitag, Mike
Titel: Konfigurierbares Vorgehensmodell für die exportorientierte Entwicklung von technischen Dienstleistungen
Sonstige Titel: Configurable procedure model for export-oriented development of technical service
Erscheinungsdatum: 2014
Dokumentart: Dissertation
Serie/Report Nr.: Schriftenreihe zu Arbeitswissenschaft und Technologiemanagement;17
ISBN: 978-3-8396-0777-0
Zusammenfassung: Immer mehr technische Dienstleistungen werden nicht mehr nur im Inland verkauft sondern zunehmend auch ins Ausland exportiert. Je nach Zielland sind die Dienstleistungen an die länderspezifischen Kunden- und Qualitätsanforderungen anzupassen. Diese Anpassungen erfordern aber nicht nur im Ausland, sondern auch im Inland konfigurierbare Vorgehensmodelle für die Dienstleistungsentwicklung. Darüber hinaus muss die aufbauorganisatorische Struktur des zu betrachtenden Unternehmens berücksichtigt werden, um so die Anwendbarkeit im Unternehmen zu erhöhen. Auf der Grundlage der Ansätze aus der Produkt- und Softwareentwicklung wurde ein Ansatz von konfigurierbaren Vorgehensmodellen für die Internationalisierung von Dienstleistungen für den Unternehmenstyp der „Internationalen Unternehmung“ entwickelt, da dieser Typ in den Unternehmen am häufigsten anzutreffen ist. Er ist dadurch charakterisiert, dass die Dienstleistungen zentral bei der Muttergesellschaft entwickelt werden, nur Anpassungen finden in den ausgewählten Zielländern statt. Das entwickelte Vorgehensmodell besteht aus den drei Konfigurationsebenen Standardvorgehensmodell, vorkonfiguriertes und projektspezifisches Vorgehensmodell besteht. Jeder dieser Ebenen besteht wiederum aus den drei Bestandteilen modulares Prozessmodell, Rollenmodell und der Methoden- und Toolauswahl. Alle drei Ebenen des Vorgehensmodells basieren auf dem Standardvorgehensmodell. Es wird eingesetzt für die Neuentwicklung von technischen Dienstleistungen in einem vorher noch nicht erschlossenen Auslandsmarkt. Die Auswahl an vorkonfigurierten Vorgehensmodellen soll den Unternehmen helfen, schneller den Entwicklungsprozess zu durchlaufen, wenn es sich um keine Neuentwicklung sondern um Weiterentwicklungen von technischen Dienstleistungen handelt. Auf der dritten Ebene der projektspezifischen Vorgehensmodelle kann individuell auf den Entwicklungsfall das Vorgehensmodell angepasst werden. Danach wird der Entwicklungsprozess anhand der ausgewählte Module durchlaufen. Ein Rollenmodell unterstützt dabei diesen Prozess, um so Transparenz zwischen Zentrale und Auslandsniederlassung herzustellen. In einzelnen Modulen unterstützen ausgewählte Methoden und Tools die durchzuführenden Entwicklungsarbeiten. Neu in der vorliegenden Arbeit entwickelte Templates und Checklisten erleichtern die Navigation und Auswahl der Methoden. Das entwickelte Vorgehensmodell wurde anhand von zwei Anwendungsfällen validiert. Durch die Nutzung des Vorgehensmodells konnte vor allem die Qualität der entwickelten Dienstleistungen erhöht und die Entwicklungskosten gesenkt werden.
There is an ever increasing trend for technical services to not only be sold on the domestic market, but to be exported internationally, too. Depending on the target country in question, these technical services are adapted to meet the respective quality requirements and customer criteria. However, these adjustments require procedure models that can be configured in order to develop the service not only for the international market, but for the domestic front, too. Furthermore, the structural organisation of the company in question has to be taken into consideration in order to increase the possible applications within the company, as a centrally managed company requires different development processes to a decentralised structure. The aforementioned issue has not been sufficiently explored in any literature published to date. Besides analysing service engineering, different types of companies were initially investigated which export their services. An analysis of product and software development was also carried out in order to implement the preferred method of configuration in the development of services, as configured procedure models are used in these sectors. The advantages and disadvantages of the solutions found were then checked to see if they could also be used in the service sector. The initial results were then taken a stage further by talking to experts and looking at empirical studies of deficits in the internationalisation of technical services detected in German companies to date, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Based on methods of product and software development already in use, an approach was developed for configuring procedure models for the company type “International activities" as this type is the one most commonly found in companies. A typical example is that services are developed centrally by the parent company and adapted as necessary in the respective countries. Finally, specific requirements were applied to the approach in order to be able to eradicate any deficits previously detected. The solution was applied to the type of company defined as "International activities" as a procedure model comprising three configuration levels, notably "standard procedure model", "pre-configured procedure model" and "project-specific procedure model". Each level, in turn, consists of three parts – modular process model, role model and the selection of methods and tools. All three levels of the procedure model are based on the standard procedure model, and are used to develop technical services for an international market that has not yet been explored. The choice of pre-configured procedure models is intended to help companies undergo the development process at a faster pace in instances where it is not a matter of developing something new but rather involves ongoing development. Individual adjustments to the specific development in hand are made on the third level of the project-specific procedure models. Afterwards, the development process is carried out by means of the modules chosen. This process is assisted by the role model in order to create transparency between the headquarters and the international branch. In certain modules, selected methods and tools support the development work to be carried out. Templates and checklists recently developed for the task to hand simplify the navigation and choice of methods. The procedure model developed was trialled using two examples of application. In the first case, a new development of a technical service was validated for the company which had not yet launched its activities in a foreign market. In the second case, the service from the first instance was extended and tested for a further foreign market. In both cases, the changes made were assessed by company representatives in line with criteria derived from company-specific quality management. Using the procedure model, improvements can be made in all categories, but primarily it was possible to increase the quality of both the developed services, and the development costs were reduced. A systematic check of the list of requirements also showed that these had been fully met. Consequently, a procedure model is available which can be configured for exporting technical services which can be applied to an “International activities” type of business. Deficits discovered regarding the status of technology, most notably the lack of procedure models which can be configured for developing services and structuring interfaces between domestic and international companies, can be eradicated. The objective has been achieved in full. Furthermore, several relevant topics were identified that go beyond the tasks of the exercise in hand, for example, examining companies which have a different organisational structure.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:14 Externe wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen

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