Auflistung nach Autor Frey, Wolfgang

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2020Reversible N‐heterocyclic carbene‐induced α‐H abstraction in Tungsten(VI) imido dialkyl dialkoxide complexesMusso, Janis V.; Benedikter, Mathis J.; Wang, Dongren; Frey, Wolfgang; Altmann, Hagen J.; Buchmeiser, Michael R.
2021A sodium bis(perfluoropinacol) borate-based electrolyte for stable, high-performance room temperature sodium-sulfur batteries based on sulfurized poly(acrylonitrile)Murugan, Saravanakumar; Klostermann, Sina V.; Frey, Wolfgang; Kästner, Johannes; Buchmeiser, Michael R.
2020A spirocyclic parabanic acid masked N‐heterocyclic carbene as thermally latent pre‐catalyst for polyamide 6 synthesis and epoxide curingAltmann, Hagen J.; Frey, Wolfgang; Buchmeiser, Michael R.
2022Stereoretentive regio‐ and enantioselective allylation of isoxazolinones by a planar chiral palladacycle catalystYu, Xin; Hu, Lingfei; Frey, Wolfgang; Lu, Gang; Peters, René
2022Stereoretentive regio‐ und enantioselektive Allylierung von Isoxazolinonen per planar chiralem Palladacyclus‐KatalysatorYu, Xin; Hu, Lingfei; Frey, Wolfgang; Lu, Gang; Peters, René
2021Synthesis and liquid crystalline self‐assembly of concave diindoles with a hydropentalene coreBühlmeyer, Andrea; Ehni, Philipp; Ullmann, Dustin; Frey, Wolfgang; Baro, Angelika; Laschat, Sabine
2014Tetra-&#956;3-iodido-tetrakis[(tri-n-butylphosphane-&#954;P)copper(I)]Klenk, Simon; Frey, Wolfgang; Bubrin, Martina; Laschat, Sabine
2023Transitions in solvate crystals of a tetraaryladamantaneFrey, Wolfgang; Schwenger, Alexander; Berking, Tim; Richert, Clemens