Auflistung nach Institut Fraunhofer Institut für Grenzflächen- und Bioverfahrenstechnik (IGB)

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2021Acid catalyzed cross‐linking of polyvinyl alcohol for humidifier membranesMichele, Andre; Paschkowski, Patrick; Hänel, Christopher; Tovar, Günter E. M.; Schiestel, Thomas; Southan, Alexander
2018Active ester containing surfmer for one-stage polymer nanoparticle surface functionalization in mini-emulsion polymerizationAlbernaz, Vanessa L.; Bach, Monika; Weber, Achim; Southan, Alexander; Tovar, Günter E. M.
2024Adsorption on inkjet-printable polyelectrolyte hydrogels allows refractive index sensing of diclofenac and metoprolol in aqueous solutionSouthan, Alexander; Tan, Jennifer; Schuster, Fabian; Rotenberger, Julia; Tovar, Günter E. M.
2020Azido-functionalized gelatin via direct conversion of lysine amino groups by diazo transfer as a building block for biofunctional hydrogelsKeller, Silke; Bakker, Tomke; Kimmel, Benjamin; Rebers, Lisa; Götz, Tobias; Tovar, Günter E.M.; Kluger, Petra J.; Southan, Alexander
2020An AZT analog with strongly pairing ethynylpyridone nucleobase and its antiviral activity against HSV1Han, Jianyang; Funk, Christina; Eyberg, Juri; Bailer, Susanne; Richert, Clemens
2016Charged triazole cross-linkers for hyaluronan-based hybrid hydrogelsMartini, Maike; Hegger, Patricia S.; Schädel, Nicole; Minsky, Burcu B.; Kirchhof, Manuel; Scholl, Sebastian; Southan, Alexander; Tovar, Günter E. M.; Boehm, Heike; Laschat, Sabine
2020The choice of biopolymer is crucial to trigger angiogenesis with vascular endothelial growth factor releasing coatingsClaaßen, Christiane; Dannecker, Miriam; Grübel, Jana; Kotzampasi, Maria-Elli; Tovar, Günter E. M.; Stanzel, Boris V.; Borchers, Kirsten
2023Comprehensive characterization and evaluation of the process chain and products from Euphausia superba exocuticles to chitosanHahn, Thomas; Egger, Jeannine; Krake, Simon; Dyballa, Michael; Stegbauer, Linus; von Seggern, Nils; Bruheim, Inge; Zibek, Susanne
2020Coumarin-4-ylmethyl- and p-hydroxyphenacyl-based photoacid generators with high solubility in aqueous media: synthesis, stability and photolysisAdatia, Karishma K.; Halbritter, Thomas; Reinfelds, Matiss; Michele, Andre; Tran, Michael; Laschat, Sabine; Heckel, Alexander; Tovar, Günter E. M.; Southan, Alexander
2018Covalent incorporation of tobacco mosaic virus increases the stiffness of poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate hydrogelsSouthan, Alexander; Lang, Tina; Schweikert, Michael; Tovar, Günter E. M.; Wege, Christina; Eiben, Sabine
2020Current state of chitin purification and chitosan production from insectsHahn, Thomas; Tafi, Elena; Paul, Aman; Salvia, Rosanna; Falabella, Patrizia; Zibek, Susanne
2021Differentiation of physical and chemical cross-linking in gelatin methacryloyl hydrogelsRebers, Lisa; Reichsöllner, Raffael; Regett, Sophia; Tovar, Günter E. M.; Borchers, Kirsten; Baudis, Stefan; Southan, Alexander
2020Eclectic characterisation of chemically modified cell-derived matrices obtained by metabolic glycoengineering and re-assessment of commonly used methodsKeller, Silke; Liedek, Anke; Shendi, Dalia; Bach, Monika; Tovar, Günter E. M.; Kluger, Petra J.; Southan, Alexander
2018Extrusion-based 3D printing of poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate hydrogels containing positively and negatively charged groupsJoas, Sebastian; Tovar, Günter E. M.; Celik, Oguz; Bonten, Christian; Southan, Alexander
2020Factors affecting the synthesis of cellobiose lipids by Sporisorium scitamineumOraby, Amira; Werner, Nicole; Sungur, Zehra; Zibek, Susanne
2023Fast and non-invasive evaluation of yeast viability in fermentation processes using Raman spectroscopy and machine learningHeese, Raoul; Wetschky, Jens; Rohmer, Carina; Bailer, Susanne M.; Bortz, Michael
2022Foam fractionation methods in aerobic fermentation processesOraby, Amira; Weickardt, Isabell; Zibek, Susanne
2021Friction and wear behavior of deep drawing tools using volatile lubricants injected through laser-drilled micro-holesReichardt, Gerd; Henn, Manuel; Reichle, Paul; Umlauf, Georg; Riedmüller, Kim; Weber, Rudolf; Barz, Jakob; Liewald, Mathias; Graf, Thomas; Tovar, Günter E. M.
2020Growth behavior of selected Ustilaginaceae fungi used for mannosylerythritol lipid (MEL) biosurfactant production - evaluation of a defined culture mediumBeck, Alexander; Zibek, Susanne
2021The HSV1 tail-anchored membrane protein pUL34 contains a basic motif that supports active transport to the inner nuclear membrane prior to formation of the nuclear egress complexFunk, Christina; Marques da Silveira e Santos, Débora; Ott, Melanie; Raschbichler, Verena; Bailer, Susanne M.