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dc.contributor.advisorSpeidel, Joachim (Prof. Dr.-Ing.)-
dc.contributor.authorBleicher, Zarah M. L.-
dc.description.abstractThe relentless evolution towards an overwhelming increase of mobile data traffic, where mobile phone subscribers demand the highest data rates and comprehensive coverage presents current and future mobile communication networks with demanding requirements. Previous homogeneous networks were mostly designed to optimize the sum capacity and peak data rates rather than take the individual user experience into account, and therefore failed to meet these requirements. Multi-layer networks, also known as heterogeneous networks, can improve the coverage and capacity of the cellular network and bring the network closer to the user. Moreover, the introduction of the smaller cells into the macro cellular network can improve the performance, especially in hotspots and indoors, which results in a better user experience. Frequency spectrum is rare and valuable, thus solely adding further bandwidth does not meet the demand. However, when reusing the bandwidth, inter-cell interference from neighboring cells leads to performance degradations, in particular for users located at the cell edges. Within a multi-layer network, additional and even more dynamic interference is present, caused by different kinds of cells, like macro-, pico-, femtocells, and relays. Therefore, addressing the interference issue is essential. This thesis examines suitable interference coordination algorithms and introduces an advanced interference coordination technique for heterogeneous networks. Whereas current techniques require significant communication between base stations, reduce the available bandwidth notably or do not consider interference between the small cells, the advanced technique is located in the small cells with only marginal information exchange. Its performance is investigated by means of computer simulations for fully loaded heterogeneous networks on the system layer. As a result, the proposed technique reduces the impact on the surrounding cells significantly, making in-home communication services attractive, leading to a tremendous advantage for service providers as well as the end-user.en
dc.titleDecentralized interference coordination for the downlink of fully loaded heterogeneous wireless networksen
ubs.fakultaetInformatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnikde
ubs.institutInstitut für Nachrichtenübertragungde
ubs.publikation.seitenxviii, 118de
ubs.thesis.grantorInformatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnikde
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:05 Fakultät Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik

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