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Autor(en): Zhan, Kun
Titel: Integration of geometric computer vision, endoscopy and computed tomography for 3D modeling of gyroscopic instruments
Erscheinungsdatum: 2022
Dokumentart: Dissertation
Seiten: 120
Bemerkungen: Außerdem online veröffentlicht unter:
Zusammenfassung: 3D digitization is of vital importance for cultural heritage assets for modern civilizations regarding safekeeping and promotion. Generally, cultural heritage indicates old buildings, ancient status or unearthed relics for the public. However, the objectives to be digitized also include tools and instruments that have been widely applied in the past decades, even though they have been replaced with more advanced technologies. We call these technical instruments and artifacts Tech Heritage (TH). Gyroscopes are one group of such fascinating instruments with a history dating back to 200 years. The main characteristics of gyroscopes regarding 3D digitization are (1) having highly complex structure; (2) consisting of different materials; (3) not only the surfaces but also the internal structures are important. All these features decide that no single methodology could meet the demand for their 3D digitization. To fulfill the requirements of gyroscopes in our research, photogrammetry, endoscopy and Computed Tomography (CT) are introduced for complete 3D digitization. With colored point clouds or textured meshes as result, photogrammetry is mainly for the global surface reconstruction of the object. For some cavities, holes or other parts that the regular camera hardly has access to, endoscopy is applied for a local 3D reconstruction, as supplement. As internal structures are also important, X-Ray computed tomography is utilized for volumetric 3D digitization. These three 3D sensor data should then be integrated for a complete 3D model. Additionally, the registration method should be adaptive to the data characteristics such as the geometry, point cloud density, etc. In this thesis, 3D reconstructions with each method as well as the data fusion are investigated. 1. Firstly, we study the stability and reliability of camera calibration before 3D reconstruction with photogrammetry and endoscopy. As the standard pre-calibration solution, Zhang's method suffers from the instability due to the correlations between the calibration parameters. To reduce this effect, the image configuration should be well considered with adequate oblique angles, distance difference as well as roll angels for a convergent image block. In our research, a quantitative analysis is implemented by a statistical approach using large bundles of images and get calibrations from randomly chosen image subsets. In addition, the recovered expected values of parameters are utilized as ground truth to scrutinize the single influencing factors of the imaging configuration. 2. Secondly, the 3D reconstruction processes are investigated with practical implementations. For the endoscope 3D reconstruction, the data acquisition process is the first challenge resulting from the image blur which may caused by the hand shaking as well as the small overlap. The imaging assistant setup and a mixture of image and video strategy are the methods adopted in our research as the solution. With the accurate calibration information and the improved image quality and configuration, we optimize the entire process through optimization of the Structure-from-Motion (SfM) method. As for CT 3D reconstruction, a stack of X-ray images, carrying the information of attenuation, is to be collected from different perspectives of the object. All reconstructed slices are integrated into an uniform 3D coordinate system to construct the complete 3D volumetric representation. 3. Thirdly, data registration methods are proposed regarding different data features. To register these two 3D data with few overlaps such as photogrammetry and endoscopic point clouds, a Gauss-Helmert model with manually picked control points is applied for transformation estimation with precision assessments. To take advantage of the pair-wise point cloud registration research, CT point cloud conversion and surface extraction are implemented from the volumetric CT data. As for the CT and photogrammetry data registration, it could be divided into two cases regarding the completeness of the CT surface representation. If the surface material is completely indicated in the CT data, we could directly project the color information from photogrammetric images to the CT surface after both datasets are transformed into the same coordinate system. In this way, we combine the high precision of CT data with the rich texture information. While low density surface material causes an incomplete representation of the CT surface, the transformation is estimated via the primitive based virtual control points from both surface data. With the determined transformation, the photogrammetric model could then be integrated with the CT model for a complete 3D representation. 4. Finally, in terms of 3D model expression, point clouds are of too big data volume if precision is required and have limited interaction possibilities. Therefore, the point clouds need to be vectorized into Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) models to enable easier human-computer interaction. This process could be precisely done via manual work with sufficient caution via a Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC)-based geometric fitting process or even with a deep learning strategy via an end-to-end trained framework. The vectorized 3D model could be applied in AR/VR related applications to make full use of the work of 3D digitization. For the first time, three totally different sensors are studied for a fused 3D reconstruction in this research. Among the workflow, the practical application of endoscopy is fully investigated. The integration methods are adaptively designed according to the characteristics of each sensor as well as of the reconstructed object. It provides more possibilities and ideas for the digital tasks of different types of cultural heritage.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:06 Fakultät Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik und Geodäsie

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