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Autor(en): Martins, Fabio J. W. A.
Kronenburg, Andreas
Beyrau, Frank
Titel: Single-shot two-dimensional multi-angle light scattering (2D-MALS) technique for nanoparticle aggregate sizing
Erscheinungsdatum: 2021
Dokumentart: Zeitschriftenartikel
Seiten: 15
Erschienen in: Applied Physics B 127 (2021), No. 51
ISSN: 0946-2171
Zusammenfassung: The two-dimensional multi-angle light scattering (2D-MALS) technique has been extended for single-shot size measurements of soot aggregates in flames. Six cameras are used for instantaneous acquisition of the elastic scattering from the aggregates at different directions between 10 to 90∘ of a laser light sheet. Two diluted ethylene (50 and 60% by volume of C2H4 fuel diluted with inert N2) coflow laminar diffusion flames with little flickering are used as proof of concept. Results of instantaneous, average and fluctuating 2D fields of the effective radii of gyration, which are expected to characterize the size of the aggregates, compare well with the literature, demonstrating the applicability of the proposed sizing method to weakly unsteady combustion processes.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:04 Fakultät Energie-, Verfahrens- und Biotechnik

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