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Autor(en): Schiele, Frank
Gundelsweiler, Bernd
Titel: Design and characterization of a planar motor drive platform based on piezoelectric hemispherical shell resonators
Erscheinungsdatum: 2021
Dokumentart: Zeitschriftenartikel
Seiten: 13
Erschienen in: Actuators 10 (2021), No. 187
ISSN: 2076-0825
Zusammenfassung: In this study, a planar ultrasonic motor platform is presented that uses three half-side excited piezoelectric hemispherical shell resonators. To understand the working principle and the harmonic vibration behavior of the piezoelectric resonator, the trajectory of the friction contact was measured in free-oscillating mode at varying excitation frequencies and voltages. The driving performance of the platform was characterized with transport loads up to 5 kg that also serve as an influencing downforce for the friction motor. The working range for various transport loads and electrical voltages up to 30 V is presented. Undesirable noise and parasitic oscillations occur above the detected excitation voltage ranges, depending on the downforce. Therefore, minimum and maximum values of the excitation voltage are reported, in which the propulsion force and the speed of the planar motor can be adjusted, and noiseless motion applies. The multidimensional driving capacity of the platform is demonstrated in two orthogonal axes and one rotary axis in open-loop driving mode, by measuring forces and velocities to confirm its suitability as a planar motor concept. The maximum measured propulsion force of the motor was 7 N with a transport load of 5 kg, and its maximum measured velocity was 77 mm/s with a transport load of 3 kg.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:07 Fakultät Konstruktions-, Produktions- und Fahrzeugtechnik

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