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Autor(en): Rietsch, Philipp
Sobottka, Sebastian
Hoffmann, Katrin
Hildebrandt, Pascal
Sarkar, Biprajit
Resch‐Genger, Ute
Eigler, Siegfried
Titel: Identification of the irreversible redox behavior of highly fluorescent benzothiadiazoles
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020
Dokumentart: Zeitschriftenartikel
Seiten: 668-673
Erschienen in: ChemPhotoChem 4 (2020), S. 668-673
ISSN: 2367-0932
Zusammenfassung: Redox switches are applied in various fields of research, including molecular lifts, electronic devices and sensors. Switching the absorbance between UV and Vis/NIR by redox processes is of interest for applications in light harvesting or biomedicine. Here, we present a series of push‐pull benzothiadiazole derivatives with high fluorescence quantum yields in solution and in the crystalline solid state. Spectroelectrochemical analysis reveals the switching of UV‐absorption in the neutral state to Vis/NIR absorption in the reduced state. We identify the partial irreversibility of the switching process, which appears to be reversible on the cyclic voltammetry timescale.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:03 Fakultät Chemie

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