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Autor(en): Blum, Markus
Dunaj, Tobias
Knöller, Julius A.
Feil, Christoph M.
Nieger, Martin
Gudat, Dietrich
Titel: Isolable diaminophosphide boranes
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020
Dokumentart: Zeitschriftenartikel
Seiten: 15190-15199
Erschienen in: Chemistry - a European journal 26 (2020), S. 15190-15199
ISSN: 1521-3765
Zusammenfassung: Metalation of secondary diaminophosphine boranes by alkali metal amides provides a robust and selective access route to a range of metal diaminophosphide boranes M[(R2N)2P(BH3)] (M=Li, Na, K; R=alkyl, aryl) with acyclic or heterocyclic molecular backbones, whereas reduction of a chlorodiaminophosphine borane gave less satisfactory results. The metalated species were characterized in situ by NMR spectroscopy and in two cases isolated as crystalline solids. Single‐crystal XRD studies revealed the presence of salt‐like structures with strongly interacting ions. Synthetic applications of K[(R2N)2P(BH3)] were studied in reactions with a 1,2‐dichlorodisilane and CS2, which afforded either mono‐ or difunctional phosphine boranes with a rare combination of electronegative amino and electropositive functional disilanyl groups on phosphorus, or a phosphinodithioformate. Spectroscopic studies gave a first hint that removal of the borane fragment may be feasible.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:03 Fakultät Chemie

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