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Autor(en): Ackermann, Annika C.
Fischer, Michael
Wick, Alexander
Carosella, Stefan
Fox, Bronwyn L.
Middendorf, Peter
Titel: Mechanical, thermal and electrical properties of epoxy nanocomposites with amine-functionalized reduced graphene oxide via plasma treatment
Erscheinungsdatum: 2022
Dokumentart: Zeitschriftenartikel
Seiten: 18
Erschienen in: Journal of composites science 6 (2022), No. 153
ISSN: 2504-477X
Zusammenfassung: A suitable functionalization of graphene and its derivatives can further enhance the material properties of nanocomposites. In contrast to chemical functionalization methods that have been extensively researched, functionalization by plasma treatment is relatively unexplored. In this work, we compare the mechanical, thermal and electrical characteristics of an epoxy matrix incorporating loadings from 0.00 to 1.50 wt% of non-functionalized (rGO) and amine-functionalized reduced graphene oxide (frGO) for which the functionalization is realized by plasma processing. No significant difference between the rGO- and frGO-including nanocomposites was observed with respect to the stiffness, strength, specific heat capacity, coefficient of thermal expansion and electrical conductivity. Yet, the composites with 1.50 wt% frGO (rGO) exhibited a thermal conductivity that was 27% (20%) higher than the neat polymer due to the enhanced interface, which enabled a better transfer of heat. In addition, a considerable increase in the specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity was established with rising temperatures. This information will facilitate the choice of materials depending on the loading and functionalization of graphene materials for composite applications with an epoxy matrix.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:07 Fakultät Konstruktions-, Produktions- und Fahrzeugtechnik

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