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Autor(en): Schiehlen, Werner
Eismann, Wolfgang
Titel: Reduction of nonholonomic systems
Erscheinungsdatum: 1994
Dokumentart: Buchbeitrag
Erschienen in: Kounadis, Anthony (Hrsg.): Collection of papers dedicated to Professor P. S. Theocaris. Athens : National Technical University of Athens, 1994, S. 207-220
Zusammenfassung: The positional degrees of freedom of a mechanical system are by nonholonomic constraints further reduced to a smaller number of motional degrees of freedom. It is shown how the corresponding equations of motion can be reduced to a minimal number using generalized coordinates and generalized velocities. The theoretical results are applied to an actively controlled vehicle with stiff tires. One scalar control variable provides full contollability of the position of the vehicle moving on a plane surface. The control strategy is found for stationary and instationary motions.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:07 Fakultät Konstruktions-, Produktions- und Fahrzeugtechnik

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