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Authors: Schäferling, Martin
Dregely, Daniel
Hentschel, Mario
Giessen, Harald
Title: Tailoring enhanced optical chirality : design principles for chiral plasmonic nanostructures
Issue Date: 2012 Zeitschriftenartikel Physical review, X 2 (2012), Nr. 031010. URL
Abstract: Electromagnetic fields with strong optical chirality can be formed in the near-field of chiral plasmonic nanostructures. We calculate and visualize the degree of chirality to identify regions with relatively high values. This leads to design principles for a simple utilization of chiral fields. We investigate planar geometries which offer a convenient way to access the designated fields as well as three-dimensional nanostructures which show a very high local optical chirality.
Appears in Collections:11 Interfakultäre Einrichtungen

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