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Authors: Falazi, Ghareeb
Title: A concept for describing concrete solutions to support their automated selection from patterns
Issue Date: 2017 Abschlussarbeit (Master) 101
Abstract: Patterns and pattern languages have been used to abstractly describe solutions of recurring problems in various domains. They are general enough to be applicable to many technologies and use-cases. However, with the generalness of patterns comes the problem of how to turn them into concrete solutions suitable for a specifc environment. To thisend, it was suggested to link patterns with sets of technology-specifc concrete solutions that implement them, and make them accessible via repositories. Nonetheless, users still lack the support to choose the suitable combination of concrete solutions that implement a pre-selected sequence of patterns. In our work, we aim at solving this problem by elaborating a conceptual design to describe it along with the various entities related to it, which is then used as a basis for a 2-phase algorithm that automatically selects concrete solutions based on a given sequence of patterns and certain environment- and user-specifc conditions. We finally evaluate our approach by studying the complexity of the algorithm and implementing a web-based prototype for it.
Appears in Collections:05 Fakultät Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik

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