Auflistung nach Institut Stuttgarter Zentrum für Simulationswissenschaften (SC SimTech)

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2021Characterization of export regimes in concentration-discharge plots via an advanced time-series model and event-based sampling strategiesGonzález-Nicolás, Ana; Schwientek, Marc; Sinsbeck, Michael; Nowak, Wolfgang
2023Comparing methods for permeability computation of porous materials and their limitationsKrach, David; Steeb, Holger
2024Comparison of different Hyperparameter-Tuners for Support Vector Machines : an analysis using Parallel Least-Squares SVM Library on GPUDzubba, Yannick Marian
2020Convergence of pathway analysis and pattern recognition predicts sensitization to latest generation TRAIL therapeutics by IAP antagonismVetma, Vesna; Guttà, Cristiano; Peters, Nathalie; Praetorius, Christian; Hutt, Meike; Seifert, Oliver; Meier, Friedegund; Kontermann, Roland; Kulms, Dagmar; Rehm, Markus
2021Cross-bridge mechanics estimated from skeletal muscles’ work-loop responses to impacts in legged locomotionChristensen, Kasper B.; Günther, Michael; Schmitt, Syn; Siebert, Tobias
2023Daily emotion regulation in major depression and borderline personality disorderZetsche, Ulrike; Bürkner, Paul-Christian; Bohländer, Julian; Renneberg, Babette; Roepke, Stefan; Schulze, Lars
2022A deep learning approach for large-scale groundwater heat pump temperature predictionScheurer, Stefania
2024Determination of muscle shape deformations of the tibialis anterior during dynamic contractions using 3D ultrasoundSahrmann, Annika S.; Vosse, Lukas; Siebert, Tobias; Handsfield, Geoffrey G.; Röhrle, Oliver
2022Diagnosis of model errors with a sliding time‐window Bayesian analysisHsueh, Han‐Fang; Guthke, Anneli; Wöhling, Thomas; Nowak, Wolfgang
2023DLP 4D printing of multi‐responsive bilayered structuresMainik, Philipp; Hsu, Li‐Yun; Zimmer, Claudius W.; Fauser, Dominik; Steeb, Holger; Blasco, Eva
2023Editorial - rapid, reproducible, and robust environmental modeling for decision support : worked examples and open-source software toolsWhite, Jeremy T.; Fienen, Michael N.; Moore, Catherine R.; Guthke, Anneli
2023Effect of neglecting passive spinal structures : a quantitative investigation using the forward-dynamics and inverse-dynamics musculoskeletal approachMeszaros-Beller, Laura; Hammer, Maria; Schmitt, Syn; Pivonka, Peter
2022The effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy for social anxiety disorder in routine clinical practiceMorina, Nexhmedin; Seidemann, Julienne; Andor, Tanja; Sondern, Lisa; Bürkner, Paul‐Christian; Drenckhan, Isabelle; Buhlmann, Ulrike
2021An empirical study of Linespots : a novel past‐fault algorithmScholz, Maximilian; Torkar, Richard
2022Experimental evaluation of fluid connectivity in two‐phase flow in porous media during drainageVahid Dastjerdi, Samaneh; Karadimitriou, Nikolaos; Hassanizadeh, S. Majid; Steeb, Holger
2021Experimental methods and imaging for enzymatically induced calcite precipitation in a microfluidic cellWeinhardt, Felix; Class, Holger; Vahid Dastjerdi, Samaneh; Karadimitriou, Nikolaos; Lee, Dongwon; Steeb, Holger
2023The high cycle fatigue testing of High‐Performance Concretes using high frequency excitationMadadi, Hamid; Steeb, Holger
2023High‐speed fatigue testing of high‐performance concretes and parallel frequency sweep characterizationMadadi, Hamid; Steeb, Holger
2023Hydraulically induced fracturing in heterogeneous porous media using a TPM‐phase‐field model and geostatisticsWagner, Arndt; Sonntag, Alixa; Reuschen, Sebastian; Nowak, Wolfgang; Ehlers, Wolfgang
2023Improving the accuracy of musculotendon models for the simulation of active lengtheningMillard, Matthew; Kempter, Fabian; Stutzig, Norman; Siebert, Tobias; Fehr, Jörg