Browsing by Author Peters, René

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Asymmetric hydrocyanation of N‐phosphinoyl aldimines with acetone cyanohydrin by cooperative Lewis acid/onium salt/Brønsted base catalysisJunge, Thorsten; Titze, Marvin; Frey, Wolfgang; Peters, René
2022Catalytic asymmetric chlorination of isoxazolinonesWannenmacher, Nick; Keim, Noah; Frey, Wolfgang; Peters, René
2023Cooperative Lewis acid‐1,2,3‐triazolium‐aryloxide catalysis : pyrazolone addition to nitroolefins as entry to diaminoamidesWanner, Daniel M.; Becker, Patrick M.; Suhr, Simon; Wannenmacher, Nick; Ziegler, Slava; Herrmann, Justin; Willig, Felix; Gabler, Julia; Jangid, Khushbu; Schmid, Juliane; Hans, Andreas C.; Frey, Wolfgang; Sarkar, Biprajit; Kästner, Johannes; Peters, René
2022Diastereospecific enantiodivergent allylation of pyrazolones as an entry to β‐aminoamidesWannenmacher, Nick; Heberle, Martin; Yu, Xin; Demircan, Aysegül; Wanner, Daniel M.; Pfeffer, Camilla; Peters, René
2022Direkte enantioselektive Addition von Alkinen an Imine unter Verwendung eines hocheffizienten Palladacyclus als KatalysatorPfeffer, Camilla; Probst, Patrick; Wannenmacher, Nick; Frey, Wolfgang; Peters, René
2020Enantiodivergent [4+2] cycloaddition of dienolates by polyfunctional Lewis acid/zwitterion catalysisMiskov‐Pajic, Vukoslava; Willig, Felix; Wanner, Daniel M.; Frey, Wolfgang; Peters, René
2021Highly active cooperative Lewis acid : ammonium salt catalyst for the enantioselective hydroboration of ketonesTitze, Marvin; Heitkämper, Juliane; Junge, Thorsten; Kästner, Johannes; Peters, René
2023A practical and robust zwitterionic cooperative Lewis acid/acetate/benzimidazolium catalyst for direct 1,4‐additionsHans, Andreas C.; Becker, Patrick M.; Haußmann, Johanna; Suhr, Simon; Wanner, Daniel M.; Lederer, Vera; Willig, Felix; Frey, Wolfgang; Sarkar, Biprajit; Kästner, Johannes; Peters, René
2022Stereoretentive regio‐ and enantioselective allylation of isoxazolinones by a planar chiral palladacycle catalystYu, Xin; Hu, Lingfei; Frey, Wolfgang; Lu, Gang; Peters, René
2022Stereoretentive regio‐ und enantioselektive Allylierung von Isoxazolinonen per planar chiralem Palladacyclus‐KatalysatorYu, Xin; Hu, Lingfei; Frey, Wolfgang; Lu, Gang; Peters, René
2020Stereospezifische asymmetrische Synthese tertiärer Allylalkohol‐ Derivate über katalytische [2,3]‐Meisenheimer‐UmlagerungenYu, Xin; Wannenmacher, Nick; Peters, René