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Autor(en): Dash, Anuj
Paul, Aloke
Sen, Sandipan
Divinski, Sergiy
Kundin, Julia
Steinbach, Ingo
Grabowski, Blazej
Zhang, Xi
Titel: Recent advances in understanding diffusion in muti-principal element systems
Erscheinungsdatum: 2022
Dokumentart: Zeitschriftenartikel
Seiten: 27
Erschienen in: Annual review of materials research 52 (2022), S. 383-409
ISSN: 1545-4118
Bemerkungen: Posted with permission from the Annual Review of materials research, Volume 52, © by Annual Reviews,
Zusammenfassung: Recent advances in the field of diffusion in multiprincipal element systems are critically reviewed, with an emphasis on experimental as well as theo- retical approaches to determining atomic mobilities (tracer diffusion coef- ficients) in chemically complex multicomponent systems. The newly elaborated and augmented pseudobinary and pseudoternary methods provide a rigorous framework to access tracer, intrinsic, and interdiffusion coefficients in alloys with an arbitrary number of components. Utilization of the novel tracer-interdiffusion couple method allows for a high-throughput determination of composition-dependent tracer diffusion coefficients. A combination of these approaches provides a unique experimental toolbox to access diffusivities of elements that do not have suitable tracers. The pair-exchange diffusion model, which gives a consistent definition of diffusion matrices without specifying a reference element, is highlighted. Density-functional theory-informed calculations of basic diffusion properties - as required for the generation of extensive mobility databases for technological applications - are also discussed.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:03 Fakultät Chemie

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