03 Fakultät Chemie : [1455] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1455
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Synthese, Charakterisierung und röntgenographische Strukturbestimmung von Seltenerdmetall(III)-Fluoridchalkogeniden sowie NaY[SO4]2 und dessen HydratBuyer, Constantin
2022Quaternary selenides EuLnCuSe3 : synthesis, structures, properties and in silico studiesGrigoriev, Maxim V.; Solovyov, Leonid A.; Ruseikina, Anna V.; Aleksandrovsky, Aleksandr S.; Chernyshev, Vladimir A.; Velikanov, Dmitriy A.; Garmonov, Alexander A.; Molokeev, Maxim S.; Oreshonkov, Aleksandr S.; Shestakov, Nikolay P.; Matigorov, Alexey V.; Volkova, Svetlana S.; Ostapchuk, Evgeniy A.; Kertman, Alexander V.; Schleid, Thomas; Safin, Damir A.
2021EnzymeML : a data exchange format for biocatalysis and enzymologyRange, Jan; Halupczok, Colin; Lohmann, Jens; Swainston, Neil; Kettner, Carsten; Bergmann, Frank T.; Weidemann, Andreas; Wittig, Ulrike; Schnell, Santiago; Pleiss, Jürgen
2020Activation of aromatic C-F bonds by a N‐heterocyclic olefin (NHO)Mandal, Debdeep; Chandra, Shubhadeep; Neuman, Nicolás I.; Mahata, Alok; Sarkar, Arighna; Kundu, Abhinanda; Anga, Srinivas; Rawat, Hemant; Schulzke, Carola; Mote, Kaustubh R.; Sarkar, Biprajit; Chandrasekhar, Vadapalli; Jana, Anukul
2020Absolute configuration of small molecules by co‐crystallizationKrupp, Felix; Frey, Wolfgang; Richert, Clemens
2021Predicting catalytic activity from 13CCH alkylidene chemical shift in cationic tungsten oxo alkylidene N‐heterocyclic carbene complexesMusso, Janis V.; Schowner, Roman; Falivene, Laura; Frey, Wolfgang; Cavallo, Luigi; Buchmeiser, Michael R.
2021Inverting the stereoselectivity of an NADH‐dependent imine‐reductase variantStockinger, Peter; Borlinghaus, Niels; Sharma, Mahima; Aberle, Benjamin; Grogan, Gideon; Pleiss, Jürgen; Nestl, Bettina M.
2021Standardized data, scalable documentation, sustainable storage : EnzymeML ss a basis for FAIR data management in biocatalysisPleiss, Jürgen
2021Determining the diastereoselectivity of the formation of dipeptidonucleotides by NMR spectroscopyDoppleb, Olivia; Bremer, Jennifer; Bechthold, Maren; Sánchez Rico, Carolina; Göhringer, Daniela; Griesser, Helmut; Richert, Clemens
2022Mechanistic and kinetic investigations of on/off (photo)switchable binding of carbon monoxide by chromium(0), molybdenum(0) and tungsten(0) carbonyl complexes with a pyridyl‐mesoionic carbene ligandBoden, Pit J.; Di Martino‐Fumo, Patrick; Bens, Tobias; Steiger, Sophie T.; Marhöfer, Daniel; Niedner‐Schatteburg, Gereon; Sarkar, Biprajit
2021Semi‐rational engineering of toluene dioxygenase from Pseudomonas putida F1 towards oxyfunctionalization of bicyclic aromaticsWissner, Julian L.; Schelle, Jona T.; Escobedo‐Hinojosa, Wendy; Vogel, Andreas; Hauer, Bernhard
2021High‐performance carbon fibers prepared by continuous stabilization and carbonization of electron beam‐irradiated textile grade polyacrylonitrile fibersKönig, Simon; Bauch, Volker; Herbert, Christian; Wego, Andreas; Steinmann, Mark; Frank, Erik; Buchmeiser, Michael R.
2021Intramolecular charge transfer in ruthenium complexes [Ru(acac)2(ciq)] with ambidentate camphoriminoquinone (ciq) ligandsFilippou, Vasileios; Blickle, Svenja; Bubrin, Martina; Kaim, Wolfgang
2021The indigo isomer epindolidione as a redox‐active bridging ligand for diruthenium complexesKumari, Maya; Bera, Sudip Kumar; Blickle, Svenja; Kaim, Wolfgang; Lahiri, Goutam Kumar
2021Towards a molecular understanding of cation‐anion interactions and self‐aggregation of adeninate salts in DMSO by NMR and UV spectroscopy and crystallographyBuyens, Dominique M. S.; Pilcher, Lynne A.; Roduner, Emil
2024Derivatives of rare-earth metal(III) ortho-thiophosphates(V) containing small monovalent cationsLange, Pia L.
2021A critical outlook for the pursuit of lower contact resistance in organic transistorsBorchert, James W.; Weitz, R. Thomas; Ludwigs, Sabine; Klauk, Hagen
2022One‐step thermal gradient‐ and antisolvent‐free crystallization of all‐inorganic perovskites for highly efficient and thermally stable solar cellsByranvand, Mahdi Malekshahi; Kodalle, Tim; Zuo, Weiwei; Magorian Friedlmeier, Theresa; Abdelsamie, Maged; Hong, Kootak; Zia, Waqas; Perween, Shama; Clemens, Oliver; Sutter‐Fella, Carolin M.; Saliba, Michael
2023Elektrooptischer Kerr-Effekt in der isotropen Phase ionischer FlüssigkristalleSchlick, Michael Christian
2023Lithium storage in titania films : unification of intercalation electrode and supercapacitor conceptsXiao, Chuanlian
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1455