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Ressourcen der Sammlung (Sortiert nach Einreichdatum in Absteigend Ordnung): 1 bis 20 von 34
2021Light-driven microswimmers and their applicationsSridhar, Varun
2017The RefLex scheme - annotation guidelinesRiester, Arndt; Baumann, Stefan
2016Morphological, syntactic and semantic aspects of dispositions-
2013Ontology and argument structure in nominalizationsPross, Tillmann
2012Proceedings of JeNom 4, 4èmes Journées d’Étude sur les Nominalisations - the 4th Workshop on Nominalizations-
2011Deverbal nominals in context : meaning variation and copredicationBrandtner, Regine
2010A clustering approach to automatic verb classification incorporating selectional preferences: model, implementation, and user manualSchulte im Walde, Sabine; Schmid, Helmut; Wagner, Wiebke; Hying, Christian; Scheible, Christian
2009Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 13. Vol. I-
2009Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 13. Vol. II-
2009Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 13-
2009Focus, sensitivity, and the currency of the questionSæbø, Kjell Johan
2009Deriving the Properties of Structural FocusKiss, Katalin É.
2009Stress test for relative clausesRiester, Arndt
2009Pe-marking and referential persistence in RomanianChiriacescu, Sofiana; Heusinger, Klaus von
2009Focus at the syntax-semantics interface-
2009Variation in focusWedgwood, Daniel
2009"Only" as a Mirative ParticleZeevat, Henk
2009Exhaustiveness of Hungarian focus : experimental evidence from Hungarian and GermanOnea, Edgar
2009Towards a DRT-based account of adversative connectorsKaragjosova, Elena
2008Descriptions and their domains : the patterns of definiteness marking in French-related creolesWespel, Johannes
Ressourcen der Sammlung (Sortiert nach Einreichdatum in Absteigend Ordnung): 1 bis 20 von 34