Modeling of evaporation-driven multiple salt precipitation in porous media with a real field application

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Soil and groundwater salinization are very important environmental issues of global concern. They threaten mainly the arid and semiarid regions characterized by dry climate conditions and an increase of irrigation practices. Among these regions, the south of Tunisia is considered, on the one hand, to be a salt-affected zone facing a twofold problem: The scarcity of water resources and the degradation of their quality due to the overexploitation of the aquifers for irrigation needs. On the other hand, this Tunisian landform is the only adequate area for planting date palm trees which provide the country with the first and most important exportation product. In order to maintain the existence of these oases and develop the date production, a good understanding of the salinization problem threatening this region, and the ability to predict its distribution and evolution, should not be underestimated. The work presented in this paper deals with the Oasis of Segdoud in southern Tunisia, with the objective of modeling the evaporation-driven salt precipitation processes at the soil profile scale and under real climatic conditions. The model used is based on the one developed and presented in a previous work. In order to fulfil the real field conditions, a further extension of the geochemical system of the existing model was required. The precipitated salts considered in this work were halite (NaCl), gypsum (CaSO4) and thenardite (Na2SO4). The extended model reproduces very well the same tendencies of the physico-chemical processes of the natural system in terms of the spatio-temporal distribution and evolution of the evaporation and multiple-salt precipitation. It sheds new lights on the simulation of sequences of salt precipitation in arid regions. The simulation results provide an analysis of the influence of salt precipitation on hydrodynamic properties of the porous medium (porosity and permeability). Moreover, the sensitivity analysis done here reveals the influence of the water table level on the evaporation rate.






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