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Autor(en): Kathage, Yannick
Vazquez Cortes, Alejandro
Merli, Stefan
Day, Christian
Giegerich, Thomas
Hanke, Stefan
Igitkhanov, Juri
Schulz, Andreas
Walker, Matthias
Titel: Experimental progress in the development of a metal foil pump for DEMO
Erscheinungsdatum: 2023
Dokumentart: Zeitschriftenartikel
Seiten: 714-734
Erschienen in: Plasma 6 (2023), S. 714-734
ISSN: 2571-6182
Zusammenfassung: Experimental findings to contribute to the preliminary design of a metal foil pump for fuel separation in the Direct Internal Recycling loop of the DEMO fusion device are presented. In parametric studies on a small-scale superpermeation experiment with a microwave plasma source and two different metal foil materials, niobium Nb and vanadium V, a substantial increase in permeation with plasma power and with a decrease in pressure was observed. To ease operation in the typical fusion environment, in-situ heating procedures were developed to recover from impurity contamination. The temperature independence of plasma-driven permeation from 600 to 900 °C metal foil temperature was demonstrated. No proof of an isotopic effect for plasma-driven permeation of protium and deuterium could be found. The highest repeatable permeation flux achieved was 6.7 Pa∙m3/(m2∙s) or ~5.5 × 10-3 mol H/(m2∙s). The found compression ratios do safely allow the operation of the metal foil pump using ejector pumps as backing stages for the permeate. In a dedicated experimental setup, the operation of the plasma source in a strong magnetic field was tested. Parametric studies of pressure, power input, magnetic flux density, field gradient and field angle are presented.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:04 Fakultät Energie-, Verfahrens- und Biotechnik

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