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Autor(en): Sachse, Renate
Bischoff, Manfred
Titel: A variational formulation for motion design of adaptive compliant structures
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020
Dokumentart: Zeitschriftenartikel
Seiten: 972-1000
Erschienen in: International journal for numerical methods in engineering 122 (2021), S. 972-1000
ISSN: 1097-0207
Zusammenfassung: Adaptive structures are characterized by their ability to adjust their geometrical and other properties to changing loads or requirements during service. This contribution deals with a method for the design of quasi‐static motions of structures between two prescribed geometrical configurations that are optimal with regard to a specified quality function while taking large deformations into account. It is based on a variational formulation and the solution by two finite element discretizations, the spatial discretization (the standard finite element mesh) and an additional discretization of the deformation path or trajectory. For the investigations, an exemplary objective function, the minimization of the internal energy, integrated along the deformation path, is used. The method for motion design presented herein uses the Newton‐Raphson method as a second‐order optimization algorithm and allows for analytical sensitivity analysis. The proposed method is verified and its properties are investigated by benchmark examples including rigid body motions, instability phenomena, and determination of inextensible deformations of shells.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:02 Fakultät Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften

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