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Autor(en): Gasevic, Thomas
Bursch, Markus
Ma, Qianli
Grimme, Stefan
Werner, Hans-Joachim
Hansen, Andreas
Titel: The p-block challenge : assessing quantum chemistry methods for inorganic heterocycle dimerizations
Erscheinungsdatum: 2024
Dokumentart: Zeitschriftenartikel
Seiten: 13884-13908
Erschienen in: Physical chemistry, chemical physics 26 (2024), S.13884-13908
ISSN: 1463-9084
Zusammenfassung: The elements of the p-block of the periodic table are of high interest in various chemical and technical applications like frustrated Lewis-pairs (FLP) or opto-electronics. However, high-quality benchmark data to assess approximate density functional theory (DFT) for their theoretical description are sparse. In this work, we present a benchmark set of 604 dimerization energies of 302 “inorganic benzenes” composed of all non-carbon p-block elements of main groups III to VI up to polonium. This so-called IHD302 test set comprises two classes of structures formed by covalent bonding and by weaker donor–acceptor (WDA) interactions, respectively. Generating reliable reference data with ab initio methods is challenging due to large electron correlation contributions, core–valence correlation effects, and especially the slow basis set convergence. To compute reference values for these dimerization reactions, after thorough testing, we applied a computational protocol using state-of-the-art explicitly correlated local coupled cluster theory termed PNO-LCCSD(T)-F12/cc-VTZ-PP-F12(corr.). It includes a basis set correction at the PNO-LMP2-F12/aug-cc-pwCVTZ level. Based on these reference data, we assess 26 DFT methods in combination with three different dispersion corrections and the def2-QZVPP basis set, five composite DFT approaches, and five semi-empirical quantum mechanical methods. For the covalent dimerizations, the r 2 SCAN-D4 meta -GGA, the r 2 SCAN0-D4 and ω B97M-V hybrids, and the revDSD-PBEP86-D4 double-hybrid functional are found to be the best-performing methods among the evaluated functionals of the respective class. However, since def2 basis sets for the 4th period are not associated to relativistic pseudo-potentials, we obtained significant errors in the covalent dimerization energies (up to 6 kcal mol -1 ) for molecules containing p-block elements of the 4th period. Significant improvements were achieved for systems containing 4th row elements by using ECP10MDF pseudopotentials along with re-contracted aug-cc-pVQZ-PP-KS basis sets introduced in this work with the contraction coefficients taken from atomic DFT (PBE0) calculations. Overall, the IHD302 set represents a challenge to contemporary quantum chemical methods. This is due to a large number of spatially close p-element bonds which are underrepresented in other benchmark sets, and the partial covalent bonding character for the WDA interactions. The IHD302 set may be helpful to develop more robust and transferable approximate quantum chemical methods in the future.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:03 Fakultät Chemie

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