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Autor(en): Capobianco, Giuseppe
Harsch, Jonas
Eugster, Simon R.
Leine, Remco I.
Titel: A nonsmooth generalized‐alpha method for mechanical systems with frictional contact
Erscheinungsdatum: 2021
Dokumentart: Zeitschriftenartikel
Seiten: 6497-6526
Erschienen in: International journal for numerical methods in engineering 122 (2021), S. 6497-6526
ISSN: 1097-0207
Zusammenfassung: In this article, the existing nonsmooth generalized‐α method for the simulation of mechanical systems with frictionless contacts, modeled as unilateral constraints, is extended to systems with frictional contacts. On that account, we complement the unilateral constraints with set‐valued Coulomb‐type friction laws. Moreover, we devise a set of benchmark systems, which can be used to validate numerical schemes for mechanical systems with frictional contacts. Finally, this set of benchmarks is used to numerically assert the properties striven for during the derivation of the presented scheme. Specifically, we show that the presented scheme can reproduce the dynamics of the frictional contact adequately and no numerical penetration of the contacting bodies arises - a big issue for most popular time‐stepping schemes such as the one of Moreau. Moreover, we demonstrate that the presented scheme performs well for multibody systems containing flexible parts and that it allows general parametrizations such as the use of unit quaternions for the rotation of rigid bodies.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:07 Fakultät Konstruktions-, Produktions- und Fahrzeugtechnik

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