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Autor(en): Bäucker, Christian
Niewa, Rainer
Titel: Exchange of ammine‐ and fluorido‐ligands in complex salts : the series [Cr(NH3)6][AlF6], [Cr(NH3)5F][SiF6] and K2[Cr(NH3)4F2][Si(NH3)0.5F5.5]2
Erscheinungsdatum: 2022
Dokumentart: Zeitschriftenartikel
Seiten: 7
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie 648 (2022), No. e202200209
ISSN: 1521-3749
Zusammenfassung: The three amminechromium(III) complex compounds [Cr(NH3)6][AlF6], [Cr(NH3)5F][SiF6] and K2[Cr(NH3)4F2][Si(NH3)0.5F5.5]2 were obtained from ammonothermal synthesis at Tmax=724 K and pmax=2120 bar. Crystal structures were determined from single crystal X‐ray diffraction. The gradual exchange of ammine ligands by fluoride ligands in the amminechromium(III) ions is reflected by an intriguing change in color. The mutual ligand exchange between ammonia ligands and fluoride ions occurs in both the cations and the anions, indicating the various dissolved species present under the synthetic conditions.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:03 Fakultät Chemie

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