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Autor(en): Byranvand, Mahdi Malekshahi
Kodalle, Tim
Zuo, Weiwei
Magorian Friedlmeier, Theresa
Abdelsamie, Maged
Hong, Kootak
Zia, Waqas
Perween, Shama
Clemens, Oliver
Sutter‐Fella, Carolin M.
Saliba, Michael
Titel: One‐step thermal gradient‐ and antisolvent‐free crystallization of all‐inorganic perovskites for highly efficient and thermally stable solar cells
Erscheinungsdatum: 2022
Dokumentart: Zeitschriftenartikel
Seiten: 12
Erschienen in: Advanced science 9 (2022), No. 2202441
ISSN: 2198-3844
Zusammenfassung: All‐inorganic perovskites have emerged as promising photovoltaic materials due to their superior thermal stability compared to their heat‐sensitive hybrid organic–inorganic counterparts. In particular, CsPbI2Br shows the highest potential for developing thermally‐stable perovskite solar cells (PSCs) among all‐inorganic compositions. However, controlling the crystallinity and morphology of all‐inorganic compositions is a significant challenge. Here, a simple, thermal gradient‐ and antisolvent‐free method is reported to control the crystallization of CsPbI2Br films. Optical in situ characterization is used to investigate the dynamic film formation during spin‐coating and annealing to understand and optimize the evolving film properties. This leads to high‐quality perovskite films with micrometer‐scale grain sizes with a noteworthy performance of 17% (≈16% stabilized), fill factor (FF) of 80.5%, and open‐circuit voltage (VOC) of 1.27 V. Moreover, excellent phase and thermal stability are demonstrated even after extreme thermal stressing at 300 °C.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:03 Fakultät Chemie

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