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Autor(en): San Martin Ruiz, Macarena
González Puelles, Jesús Eugenio
Herra Bogantes, Juan
Rivera-Méndez, William
Reiser, Martin
Kranert, Martin
Titel: Methane, nitrous oxide, and ammonia emissions on dairy farms in Spain with or without bio-activator treatment
Erscheinungsdatum: 2022
Dokumentart: Zeitschriftenartikel
Seiten: 15
Erschienen in: Atmosphere 13 (2022), No. 893
ISSN: 2073-4433
Zusammenfassung: Intensive livestock farming substantially impacts the environment, especially farm and slurry management. Slurries are significant sources of greenhouse gases and ammonia. The present study was conducted in an intensive livestock production system in Galicia, Spain. The measurements were taken at six different farms in that region along with one control using common management practices in Galicia without the addition of a bio-activator. This study aimed to quantify GHGs and NH3 fluxes and their reductions during slurry treatment using a dynamic chamber through FTIR analysis and to examine the potential of usage of bio-activators for slurry management. In addition, gas concentrations were measured at the barns and compared with their slurry management and architectural volume to obtain influences on their management and the architectural volume of the barns. Additionally, the effects of using a bio-activator in the barns inside the facility areas were addressed. Moreover, qPCR analysis was conducted to understand the correlations between syncoms and methanogen populations when a bio-activator is added to the slurry with at least a 30% reduction in methanogenic populations. The outcomes suggest encouraging results for GHG reductions in the livestock sector, giving farmers future options for climate change mitigation among their standard practices.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:02 Fakultät Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften

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