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Autor(en): Dogahe, Kiarash Jamali
Guski, Vinzenz
Mlikota, Marijo
Schmauder, Siegfried
Holweger, Walter
Spille, Joshua
Mayer, Joachim
Schwedt, Alexander
Görlach, Bernd
Wranik, Jürgen
Titel: Simulation of the fatigue crack initiation in SAE 52100 martensitic hardened bearing steel during rolling contact
Erscheinungsdatum: 2022
Dokumentart: Zeitschriftenartikel
Seiten: 14
Erschienen in: Lubricants 10 (2022), No. 62
ISSN: 2075-4442
Zusammenfassung: An investigation on the White Etching Crack (WEC) phenomenon as a severe damage mode in bearing applications led to the observation that in a latent pre-damage state period, visible alterations appear on the surface of the raceway. A detailed inspection of the microstructure underneath the alterations reveals the existence of plenty of nano-sized pores in a depth range of 80 µm to 200 µm. The depth of the maximum Hertzian stress is calculated to be at 127 µm subsurface. The present study investigates the effect of these nanopores on the fatigue crack initiation in SAE 52100 martensitic hardened bearing steel. In this sense, two micro-models by means of the Finite Element Method (FEM) are developed for both a sample with and a sample without pores. The number of cycles required for the crack initiation for both samples is calculated, using the physical-based Tanaka-Mura model. It is shown that pores reduce the number of cycles in bearing application to come to an earlier transition from microstructural short cracks (MSC) to long crack (LC) propagation significantly.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:04 Fakultät Energie-, Verfahrens- und Biotechnik

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