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Autor(en): Sarfarazi, Seyedfarzad
Titel: Aggregation of distributed energy resources in energy communities : a bottom-up analysis
Erscheinungsdatum: 2024
Dokumentart: Dissertation
Seiten: xv, 171
Zusammenfassung: This dissertation is motivated by the ongoing decentralization of the German energy system and the challenges faced by policymakers, regulators, and emerging market actors in ensuring the efficient integration of decentralized energy systems (DESs). Currently, a significant research gap exists between studies focused on the techno-economic analysis of energy communities (ECs) and those examining the overall system integration of DESs. The former often overlooks the feedback effects of ECs on the broader energy system, while the latter frequently lacks the detailed examination necessary to fully capture the diverse and complex nature of EC business models. In response, this thesis seeks to address this gap by proposing novel methodological developments that bridge these two bodies of literature. Specifically, it introduces a methodology for modeling the operation of DESs within ECs as a Stackelberg energy trading game and develops innovative techniques to find the Stackelberg equilibrium and derive an optimal real-time pricing scheme for ECs. Additionally, the thesis evaluates the systemic impacts of DESs using the agent-based electricity market model AMIRIS, among other methods. The methods developed in this thesis enable a holistic analysis of EC integration and can support critical political decision-making processes.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:04 Fakultät Energie-, Verfahrens- und Biotechnik

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