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Autor(en): Longa, Lech
Trebin, Hans-Rainer
Titel: Structure of the elastic free energy for chiral nematic liquid crystals
Erscheinungsdatum: 1989
Dokumentart: Zeitschriftenartikel
Erschienen in: Physical review, A 39 (1989), S. 2160-2168. URL
Zusammenfassung: In Landau–de Gennes theory, the free energy f of liquid crystals is expanded into powers of a symmetric, traceless tensor order parameter Q αβ and its derivatives Q αβ,γ. The expansion is subject to the condition that f is a scalar, i.e., invariant under all rotations of the group SO(3). Using the method of integrity basis, we have established the most general SO(3)-invariant free-energy density up to all powers in Q αβ and up to second order in Q αβ,γ. It turns out that this free-energy density is composed of 39 invariants, which are multiplied by arbitrary polynomials in TrQ 2 and TrQ 3. On the other hand, these 39 invariants can be expressed as polynomials of 33 so-called irreducible invariants. Interestingly, among the irreducible invariants there are only three chiral terms (i.e., linear in Q αβ,γ). They locally give rise to three independent helix modes in chiral, biaxial liquid crystals. This conclusion generalizes results of Trebin [J. Phys. (Paris) 42, 1573 (1981)] and Govers and Vertogen [Phys. Rev. A 31, 1957 (1985); 34, 2520 (1986)] and contradicts a statement of Pleiner and Brand [Phys. Rev. A 24, 2777 (1981); 34, 2528 (1986)], according to which only one twist term is supposed to exist.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:08 Fakultät Mathematik und Physik

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