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Autor(en): Zaruckij, V. V.
Parokonnyj, V. D.
Jantovskaja, N. E.
Titel: Untersuchung der Kristallisationskinetik von Ascorbinsäure
Erscheinungsdatum: 1989
Dokumentart: Verschiedenartige Texte
Erschienen in: Originaltext erschienen in: Chimiko-farmacevticeskij zurnal 18 (1984), Nr. 7, S. 861-864
Zusammenfassung: The rate of crystallization of ascorbic acid (I) was studied by using seed crystals (0,7 - 5,64 g/L) 0,03, 0,08, 0,225 and 0,45 mm in size. The crystal samples of I suspensions, heated to different temperatures in a given time period were withdrawn and crystals were separated by vacuum filtration, dried and subjected to sieve anal. Typical curves of dispersion of crystal composition showed a linear character with a plateau in the region of average size of the crystals. The dependence of d. distribution in the size of the crystals was demonstrated. Data obtained from crystallization rate studies are useful for anal. and its optimization.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:13 Zentrale Universitätseinrichtungen

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