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Autor(en): Renn, Ortwin
Titel: Discussion
Erscheinungsdatum: 1987
Dokumentart: Konferenzbeitrag
Erschienen in: Kleindorfer, Paul R. (Hrsg.): Insuring and managing hazardous risks : from Seveso to Bhopal and beyond. Berlin : Springer, 1987. - ISBN 3-540-17732-9, S. 346-348
Zusammenfassung: The perceived degree of severity of risks is almost independent of the perceived number of expected losses. The disaster potential (dread) and the degree of uncertainty (individual familiarity and scientific knowledge) are two of the key factors in determining the perceived level of risk. In addition, the perceived justice in the risk-benefit distribution, the potentials for individual and societal control of the risk, and voluntariness of the risky activity influence personal judgment on how society should deal with risks and what regulations are required.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:15 Fakultätsübergreifend / Sonstige Einrichtung

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