Auflistung nach Autor Helmig, Rainer (Prof. Dr.-Ing.)

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2005Analysis of the influence of structures and boundaries on flow and transport processes in fractured porous mediaSüß, Mia
2014Beyond local equilibrium : relaxing local equilibrium assumptions in multiphase flow in porous mediaNuske, Philipp
2024Capturing local details in fluid-flow simulations : options, challenges and applications using marker-and-cell schemesLipp, Melanie Gloria
2018Coupled free and porous-medium flow processes affected by turbulence and roughness : models, concepts and analysisFetzer, Thomas
2023Coupled free-flow-porous media flow processes including drop formationVeyskarami, Maziar
2014Coupling free flow and flow in porous media in biological and technical applications : from a simple to a complex interface descriptionBaber, Katherina
2010A decoupled model for compositional non-isothermal multiphase flow in porous media and multiphysics approaches for two-phase flowFritz, Jochen
2021Development of efficient multiscale multiphysics models accounting for reversible flow at various subsurface energy storage sitesBecker, Beatrix
2003Diskretisierungsansätze zur Modellierung von Strömungs- und Transportprozessen in geklüftet-porösen MedienNeunhäuserer, Lina
2014Efficient modeling of environmental systems in the face of complexity and uncertaintyOladyshkin, Sergey
2009Evaluation of CO2 injection processes in geological formations for site screeningKopp, Andreas
2005Experimental investigations on longitudinal dispersive mixing in heterogeneous aquifersJose, Surabhin Chackiath
2005Experimental investigations on transverse dispersive mixing in heterogeneous porous mediaRahman, Md. Arifur
2008Flow and transport modelling of fractured aquifers based on a geostatistical approachAssteerawatt, Anongnart
2020Model concepts for coupling free flow with porous medium flow at the pore-network scale : from single-phase flow to compositional non-isothermal two-phase flowWeishaupt, Kilian
2014Modeling and analysis of coupled porous-medium and free flow with application to evaporation processesMosthaf, Klaus
2022Modeling water transport at the interface between porous GDL and gas distributor of a PEM fuel cell cathodeMichalkowski, Cynthia
2002Modellierung von Kluftaquifersystemen: Geostatistische Analyse und deterministisch-stochastische KluftgenerierungSilberhorn-Hemminger, Annette
2021Modelling and analysis of multicomponent transport at the interface between free- and porous-medium flow - influenced by radiation and roughnessHeck, Katharina Klara
2009Modelling of biofilm growth and its influence on CO2 and water (two-phase) flow in porous mediaEbigbo, Anozie