Browsing by Author Kronenburg, Andreas

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018DNS of multiple bubble growth and droplet formation in superheated liquidsLoureiro, Daniel Dias; Reutzsch, Jonathan; Dietzel, Dirk; Kronenburg, Andreas; Weigand, Bernhard; Vogiatzaki, Konstantina
2019Fully-resolved simulations of coal particle combustion using a detailed multi-step approach for heterogeneous kineticsTufano, Giovanni Luigi; Stein, Oliver T.; Kronenburg, Andreas; Gentile, Giancarlo; Stagni, Alessandro; Frassoldati, Alessio; Faravelli, Tiziano; Kempf, Andreas M.; Vascellari, Michele; Hasse, Christian
2009Modeling of scalar mixing in turbulent jet flames by multiple mapping conditioningVogiatzaki, Konstantina; Cleary, Matthew J.; Kronenburg, Andreas; Kent, John
2021Numerical investigation of spray collapse in GDI with OpenFOAMGärtner, Jan Wilhelm; Feng, Ye; Kronenburg, Andreas; Stein, Oliver T.
2019Resolving breakup in flash atomization conditions using DNSLoureiro, Daniel Dias; Reutzsch, Jonathan; Kronenburg, Andreas; Weigand, Bernhard; Vogiatzaki, Konstantina
2021Single-shot two-dimensional multi-angle light scattering (2D-MALS) technique for nanoparticle aggregate sizingMartins, Fabio J. W. A.; Kronenburg, Andreas; Beyrau, Frank
2020Sparse-Lagrangian PDF modelling of silica synthesis from silane jets in vitiated co-flows with varying inflow conditionsNeuber, Gregor; Kronenburg, Andreas; Stein, Oliver T.; Garcia, Carlos E.; Williams, Benjamin A. O.; Beyrau, Frank; Cleary, Matthew J.