Browsing by Series Mitteilungen / Institut für Wasser- und Umweltsystemmodellierung, Universität Stuttgart

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 177  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20082D numerische Modellierung von multifraktionalem Schwebstoff- und Schadstofftransport in FlüssenKarnahl, Joachim Alexander
2006Abflusskonzentration in mesoskaligen Einzugsgebieten unter Berücksichtigung des SickerraumesRojanschi, Vlad
2014Adaptive modelling of compositional multi-phase flow with capillary pressureFaigle, Benjamin
2013Addressing the input uncertainty for hydrological modeling by a new geostatistical methodLebrenz, Hans-Henning
2022Advanced experimental methods for investigating flow-biofilm-sediment interactionsKoca, Kaan
2022Advanced methods for a sustainable sediment management of reservoirsHaun, Stefan
2014Alkoholinjektion zur In-situ-Sanierung von CKW-Schadensherden in Grundwasserleitern : Charakterisierung der relevanten Prozesse auf unterschiedlichen SkalenGreiner, Philipp
2018Analyse des Zuppinger-Wasserrades : hydraulische Optimierungen unter Berücksichtigung ökologischer AspekteHarten, Matthias von
2019Analysis and simulation of anomalous transport in porous mediaMost, Sebastian Christopher
2011Analysis of real-world spatial dependence of subsurface hydraulic properties using copulas with a focus on solute transport behaviourHaslauer, Claus
2005Analysis of the influence of structures and boundaries on flow and transport processes in fractured porous mediaSüß, Mia
2008Application of a non-parametric classification scheme to catchment hydrologyHe, Yi
2010Application of copulas as a new geostatistical toolLi, Jing
2024Applying automatic calibration for three-dimensional numerical modeling of hydro-morphological changes in channels and reservoirsShoarinezhad, Vahid
2016Basin-scale site screening and investigation of possible impacts of CO2 storage on subsurface hydrosystemsKissinger, Alexander
2021Bayesian inversion and model selection of heterogeneities in geostatistical subsurface modelingReuschen, Sebastian
2006Beanspruchung eingeerdeter Rohrleitungen infolge Austrocknung bindiger BödenFischer, Markus
2023Bedload transport estimation in mountainous intermittent rivers and streamsSadid, Najibullah
2014Beyond local equilibrium : relaxing local equilibrium assumptions in multiphase flow in porous mediaNuske, Philipp
2008Calculational approach to FST-hemispheres for multiparametrical Benthos Habitat modellingKopecki, Ianina